That's how you know, Evan Buckley

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Hello everyone, just dropping this off before I play dead again!

I based this on the video above, but changed some of the pronouns in correlation to the person I put singing the line, as well as how I want the message to be sang. If any of them are wrong, feel free to let me know so I may update it. I will be putting a part two for this, maybe not right away but it will be on my story board.

Please enjoy!

(Song lyrics are italicized, and I'll let you know when to start the song)
The grocery store was somewhat packed, on Wednesday night,  not that Buck minded much. He was shopping for dinner that night, he would be spending it with Eddie, although Chris wasn’t coming. He probably canceled at the last minute or something, so it would just be them too. 

"Hey! Psst, hello?" Buck glanced to his side.

"My bad, need me to get something, or...?"

"Ah no! I wanted to read your fortune!" The girl in front of him smiles.

"My fortune?"

"Yep! Or more, like, reading your string!"

"Uh," Buck really couldn't find it in himself to actually care. "Sure."

She grabs his right hand, and begins rubbing his pinkie. Humming every 3 seconds, Buck didn’t know whether or not to be weirded out.

“So… you see, my bad, read anything?”

"Your crush is mutual, and with a little push, he'd make his move to prove it too you soon! Isn't that exciting?"

This time Buck did laugh. Eddie Diaz? Master of hidden emotions and meanings? Asking him out? Utter fantasy. And he must have said it outloud, because the girl backed up a few spaces.

"Are you, do you really think that?" She huffs. Why were they speaking again? 

"Well, if I said that, wouldn't I?" He walks off.

The girl frowns.


"All right Bobby, I'm off!" Eddie shouts. He had just finished his speedy after-work-shower, obviously excited for his plan tonight.

"Alright Edmundo thank you  for coming in today. Tell Buck we said hi!" The captain shouts. Eddie flashes a grin at the captain’s back, before continuing to his car.

Yes, yes, he knows he is acting like some highschooler, excited to talk to his crush and whatever. And yes, he knows that at this rate, Buck would probably notice his feelings before he finished his speech tonight. But all of that doesn't matter when he could stay by his side!

... Now he feels old...

                                                                                Abuelita Favorita

[Hola Edmundo, can you do me a favor?]

                                                                          [Sure, whats up?]

[Mind running to Bruno's flower 

shop real quick to grab those cute 

flower hats?]

[It's for Bingo night.]

Eddie holds back a laugh. This reminds him of a meme Buck shared with him...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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