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MJ strolled through the college halls. Today was exam day. She really fucked up though. Passing was possible but actually succeeding her bestfriends standards wasn't. MJ believed she was smart. She got into a college after all. Her mom even thought she was smart, considering she was the first one to go to a college in there family. But Violet didn't. MJ's best friend was supportive and kind but MJ could always tell when Violet lied. Her expectations were so low MJ could step over them. This didn't bother MJ though. No matter how much she disappointed Violet she knew she would never leave her like her dad did years ago. These were the things MJ thought about often. She was so used to it that it became part of her daily routine. Have  Violet wake her up, fall back asleep, wake up again, get ready for class, get to class, remember how much she hated it, go to the bathroom to get high, think random and unnecessary thoughts, return to class , sleep and fail.

  After MJ walked aimlessly through the halls she ended up in a bathroom. She dreaded going back to exams. Once in a secure stall, MJ pulled her nicotine out of her bra. After several hits and still not getting buzzed she decided to head back to class. Math was rough for her. All subjects were. Her calculus exam was next. She knew Violet would be at her locker so after class she headed that way. The halls were pretty empty considering a lot of people exempted there exams. MJ wasn't so lucky though. She hadn't earned good enough grades to exempt. 

"Violet, there you are!" MJ said excitedly.

" Hey MJ, what's up?" Violet asked. MJ knew she had to choose her words carefully. Violet had invited her to dinner with Parker tonight. As much as MJ didn't want to go hang out with Violet and her new boyfriend, she couldn't let her know that.

" I was- just wondering how your exams are?" MJ said hesitantly then she  decided to stick to the school topic. Violet had made MJ promise not to be high for there dinner date. MJ fought against the idea but she couldn't let Violet down more than she already had.

" Pretty good so far, I would love to chat more but I really have to go. Love you." Violet said in a rush. And with that she hurried off to her next class.

Winter break was in two days at least MJ could look forward to that she thought. 

"Fuck calculus." she mumbled under her breath. 

Once she was seated in her desk she pulled out her phone to hit up a good friend, Matt.

MJ: dude I cant take any more of this shit.

Matt: What are you talking abt now?

MJ:  these damn test. and my dinner 'date'

Matt:  what do you want me to do?

MJ:  do you have anything good rn?

Matt: I thought you had a deal with V.

MJ:  sorta. but Idec rn.

Matt:  that's kinda shitty but yea I have some E. 

MJ: perfect, meet me at the bathrooms in 30 

Matt: whatever.

MJ: <3

A sense of relief flooded MJ. She was about to get shit faced before a date but she would be calmed down for her next exam which was world history. You win some, you loose some. MJ thought to herself before putting her phone in the back pocket of her jeans.

She had just finished her exam, all self confidence was lost. She was excused from the class room and started the short walk to the girls bathroom. Sure enough Matt was outside.

" Dude what took you so long. I've been waiting for ever. I could've got caught." he said in a panic.

" Calm the fuck down. Your fine. Give me the shit." MJ demanded anxiously. He handed the molly  over. MJ hurried into the bathroom and checked underneath the stalls. When she saw no one was occupying any of them she locked herself in the furthest one. She swallowed the pills and slide down the stall wall to sit on the floor.

A/n: I know its short. I will try to make longer chapters. thoughts so far??

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