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MJ was in the small dorm bathroom applying light makeup. She was still a little messed up from her high but this date meant a lot to Violet. MJ was trying to forget about the weird encounter between her and Violet. Violet is straight after all, not that MJ would try anything with Violet. They are best friends, sisters in a way. They are that duo that you expect to see together at school. Their families are each others families.

"MJ, take your time, Parker lost his phone I guess." Violet yelled to MJ.

MJ could sense the disappointment.

" He is not standing you up Violet. You hear me?" MJ tried to make her feel better. Plus Parker didn't seem like the type of guy to stand anyone up. Violet only sighed in return. MJ finished her slight touch up and went to find a dress.

" You dont have to wear a dress girl." Violet said to MJ. MJ wasnt very fond of dresses.

" Its okay, this means a lot to you. I can dress up for one night." MJ said.

" That didnt seem to matter earlier." Violet sorta mumbled.

" Really, Violet? You want to bring that up? Why cant you move past it?" MJ said, getting really defensive. She felt bad. But MJ was never good at apologies so she just assumed they would forget it ever happend. Violet, however was the exact opposite.

" Yes, MJ. I would like to bring it up. All I want is a apologie. Is that too much?" Violet said mockingly.

" All I want is to find out why you looked at me like that earlier?" MJ said it before she could stop herself.

Sexuality was a big contradiction between the two. MJ is gay but Violet is not. Violet isnt homophobic but she gets uncomfortable when confronted about her sexuality. Its just not a good topic. Violet looked up at MJ in shock.

" Yea. I want to know that too." Violet said quietly. MJ felt like shit for saying that.

" I'm sorry, babes. I say shit in the heat of the moment." MJ apoligized and sat down on the love sofa next to Violet. But Violet wouldn't look at her.

" C'mon V. I'm sorry. For all of it." MJ said as she put an arm around Violet. Parker knocked on the door with impeccable timing.

Violet got up and answered the door. MJ followed her. Parker smiled at the two.

" Told you so." MJ muttered quietly.

" Sorry about the delay. Christen stole my phone. Long story." Parker said with sympathy.

" Oh, it's okay. We weren't even ready yet." Violet said, hiding her feelings. The car ride was completely silent the rest of the way.

Time Skip

The reastruant was in between fancy and middle class. It reminded MJ of a applebees, just nicer. They were sat in a booth, Parker and Violet on one side, and MJ on the other. The waitress was sweat and was quick to seat the trio. MJ was attracted to her. The name tag on her left breast read SAM. Her hair was a dark brown, but not too dark. Her eyes the same. He hair was split into two dutch braids that fell on her shoulders. She had two whisps of hair on the sides of her face. Caressing her checks. MJ snapped out of it when Violet kicked her from under the table.

" Oh my god, my bad. I just want water." MJ exclaimed, " so sorry." she whisperd as Sam walked away. Parker was laughing and Violet was giggiling.

" What? Did I miss a joke?" MJ questioned.

" Shit. No, but you were deffinitly into her." Violet said through her laughs.

" Yea, even I could tell and I'm pretty oblivous." Parker said.

" Whatever." MJ said anoyed.

" Ugh, dont be sour MJ. Just ask for her number." Violet silently pleaded. MJ contemplated the idea but she couldnt be for sure if Sam was straight or not. MJ was suddenly overwhelmed with the need of the bathroom.

" I have to go to the bathroom, if she comes back just order me chicken tenders and fries." MJ said.

" Parker, can you order for me too? Im gonna go with MJ." Violet asked.

" Sure thing." Parker responded. Once MJ and Violet were out of earshot Violet burst out laughing again.

" Stop it." MJ said playfully.

" I don't think I can." Violet said trying to stifle her laugh and grin.

" You dont have to babysit me, you know?" MJ stated.

" Okay MJ." Violet said sarcasticly.

" You know what? Its better your here. You seem nervous around him." MJ changed the subject.

" Uh, I am not." Violet said defensivly.

" Mmk. I can help you with that." MJ said while pulling a dispo from her bra.

" Nope. No way." Violet said shaking her head.

" Allright, I'm not forcing you." MJ said. Suddenly Violet grabbed the vape from MJ's hand.

" How do I use this?" VIolet asked.

" Okay, first slow the fuck down. All you do is suck, breath in, breath out." MJ stated. She watched Violet take the smallest hit she'd ever seen.

" I dont feel anything." Violet said dissapointed.

" Suck longer, but not too long." MJ pointed out. Violet repeated the actions.

" Fuck. Im spinning. Is this right MJ? MJ I'm freaking out. Hold me." Violet overreacted. But MJ pulled her into a hug.

" Tell me when it stops." MJ said. They just stood like that for a minute. Then Violet pulled away and cleared her throat. She is acting weird. MJ thought to herself. They both walked out of the bathroom.

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