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Mornings and I used to not get along. I used to snooze my alarm until the last possible second, and the hardest thing in the world was leaving my nice warm bed when I felt like I had just gotten comfortable. Of course, that really started to change for me once I moved overseas with Bradley, and it became a part of my daily routine after Charlotte was born with a lot of late nights and very early mornings.

Since Bradley is gone all day and sometimes into early evenings, I get up when he does in the mornings so we can have a little time together. Charlotte usually sleeps until 7 or 8 in the morning, so this is what's been working best for us.

My eyes slowly fluttered open to the sound of Bradley's alarm and his arm snaking around my waist to the front of my bump. He leaned over and kissed my ear, then my cheek as I rubbed my eyes tiredly. "Morning," He hummed gently in my ear as he kissed it again.

"Morning," I winced at how raspy my voice sounded as I rolled over to face him. He had reached behind his head to shut off the alarm so Charlotte wouldn't wake up. "Why does 5:30 in the morning always come so fast?"

"I always ask myself the same question," He said as he rubbed the side of my bump as we laid in the bed for a few minutes sharing small kisses before getting up for the day.

I made the bed while he got his flight suit, a plain black t-shirt, and a pair of gym shorts out of the closet. He always wore something underneath it because he hated the idea of being naked underneath. While he was getting it ready, I made my way to the bathroom to get our shower started and to use the bathroom. I did pretty well overnight with only having to get up twice to pee, but the baby wasn't that big yet and currently was not sitting on my bladder.

"What time are you meeting Lexi?" He asked as he came into the bathroom, his eyes falling on my naked body. "Maybe we could both stay home today..."

"I do not need Maverick or Simpson pounding on my door asking why you didn't come to work," I laughed as he brought his hands up over my breasts and cupped them. "That's the last thing we need."

"I guess you're right," He sighed as he kissed my neck while massaging my breasts. I groaned as I backed up against him, and he held onto me while backing us up into the shower. "Better have our fun now while we can."

After spending quite a bit of time in the shower and with a little bit of convincing that he was going to be late, we finally stepped out to get dressed.

"I'm not going to have time to make you any breakfast," I said as I pulled on a pair of leggings while looking for a bra. "You'll go hungry all day."

"I just had my breakfast," He winked as I rolled my eyes. "It was delicious, too."

"Bradley Bradshaw!" I said as my cheeks flushed red. "Stop that."

He winked at me again as he sat down on the bed to put his boots on. I took my phone off the charger and left the room to go make breakfast, stopping by Charlotte's room to check on her. She was still sound asleep.

As I was making a simple breakfast of eggs, bacon and some toast, I got a notification of a text message. To my surprise, it was from Phoenix.

Phoenix: Good luck dealing with Lexi today. Let me know what she says.

Air blew through my nose as I giggled to myself while I responded to her.

Me: Thank you. Not really looking forward to it. Apparently she needs advice on something.

"Who are you laughing at so early?" Bradley quizzed as he came downstairs fully dressed in his flight suit. He sat his helmet and backpack down on the counter before coming over and wrapping his arms around me.

Keeping My Promise // Sequel to Promise MeWhere stories live. Discover now