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Nepeta ran through the forest until she go to the town and up to Karkats house she went, once she got there she knocked on the door and waited no answer, she knocked once again this time harder and was less patient, still no answer, now becoming flustered and loosing the courage to actually tell Karkat, she knocked more rapidly and louder until a screech came from inside and Crab dad came to the door. "Oh hi Crab dad!" she says cheerfully "do you know where Karkat is?" she asked, Crab dad nodded and pointed in the direction of the park. "Thanks Crab dad!!" she yelled over her shoulder running to the park only to see Karkat sitting on a swing with a serious look on his face.

"Hey Karkat" She said snapping him out of his thoughts

"Oh, Hi Nepeta, Thank gog, sweet Jegus, finally some one who I can talk to"

"What do you mean Karkitty"

"Well i've been looking for someone who will listen to what I have to say, unlike everyone has been too self involved, in their nook chaffing gander bombs, to realize I have more important things to throw down, than" he stands up and starts to pace " who's hair looks better or who wore it First" Nepeta starts to giggle

"geez karkitty I guess it must be hard do have too deal with other peoples clutzy purroblems"

"yeah tell me about it"

"Well you know Karkat if you need somebody to talk to I can listen" she said with that Iconic cat face she always had " I mean I had my own thing I wanted to talk to you about but It could wait, Yours seems more important, so you can go first"

"are you sure?" he asked rubbing the back of his neck

"Im positive" she said reassuring him

"Alright well, this is going to be a long one so you better sit down" Gesturing to the swing behind her, she sits down with full attention to her flush crush

"Alright so theres this troll and I really think I'm flushed red for them, Like ridiculously red, like" He was getting flustered trying to show how amazing the troll was "like, redder, than the planet the empress blows up because she just gets so fusterated that its not exploding quick enough so she hits the button like 7 or 8 times and she takes that planet along with the red planet behind it in her red fiery rage, redder than the best romcom of all time, you know which one im talking about right" he says now taking a pause form his pacing to look at her, she nods furiously

" watch romcoms?"

"Of course silly I like anything cute" She said with a smile but she really over heard Karkat going on about how awesome it was and she watched 20 romcoms in a row(creepy)

"Right course'"

"anyway continue"

"Well they...I mean she" she smiles " is really all around amazing"

"Shes got short hair like yours, and now that I think bout it you two are the exact same hight, and she wears these ridiculous get ups, even though I want nothing more than to pick up my disdain for them, and then wash the memory from my think pan with my own vomit... its a little bit enduring how she pulls it off" he pauses

"Really?" Nepeta says now very confident she knows who he's talking about

"Yeah and i'm tickled impressed about how self sufficient she is, I mean I need my tired excuse for an angry tyrant of a Lusus to drag dinner back home for me to eat, While she goes out, and kills her own food without a self glorified adult, Holding her hand the whole way back, Don't get me started on her quirk its like a mathematical torture session that drives me up the wall and drags me back down with all the threes and little emotocons she uses, and heres the kicker, as completely and utterly useless as I think the past time may be regardless of how many times I partake in it... she rollplays... Uhh no offense" He says now completely out of breath from his rant now looking at the cat girl to see her reaction

"Geez Karkat she sounds like a really ferocious huntress" she says now certain he's talking abut her, He scratches the back of his head

"Yeah Terezi's Pretty great isn't she?"

Cliff Hanger!!!

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