You Too, Ezarel? pt.1&2 Lance/Ezarel

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The key turned in the lock.

His back hit the wall, the fright of being shoved so suddenly caused a weird aching feeling in his limbs. He had no reason to be afraid, Lance wouldn't hurt him. Even if the man acted like he didn't care for others, he's still the same as he used to be.

"Take it off." The elf said, referring to the mask. He really doesn't like the dynamic of being seen by him whilst not being able to see him.

"Hmm." He took the mask off and put it on the shelf next to him. "Nice office you have. It's almost as messy as your room." He hovered over the other man, trapping him against the wall.

Ezarel unbuttoned his shirt as he spoke. "As if your job was any more prim." He reached up to hug Lance's neck, which he took as permission- nay, an invitation to touch the elf. He pulled the hem of his shirt out of his pants and reached up his birthmark filled back. "Careful, I have a bugbite." Lance was barely listening, he was busy pulling the fabric off his shoulder with his teeth. Not in a sexy way, more like he was a feral animal pulling on your pantleg.

"I don't need to know about that." He said, hugging Ezarels thin waist and taking his gloves off behind his back. "So, what were do you wanna do tonight?"

"Bend me over my desk... And how about a blowjob?"

"At the same time??"

"No." He was visibly so done with Lance and his bullshit, but the dick is good so he keeps quiet... and if he complains too much Lance might just beat the shit out of him. "What do you want to do?"

"I donno, I'm too mentally unwell to even know what deranged acts would please me." He cupped Ezarels face in his hands and kissed his soft lips. Let me tell you, the guy has his skincare routine on point. Every inch of his body is silky smooth and well moisturized... on the other hand, Lance hasn't bathed in 28 hours and 43 minutes. "One thing is for sure, I want you to remember tonight." He kissed below his ear." Every time you try to sit down." Ezarel gasped, sarcastically of course.

"Oh how scared I am! Have mercy!" He said as the shirt fell off his shoulders. It's cold, his pale hairs stood straight up.

"You say that like it's not true. Your voice is weak, your palms all sweaty. You think I don't notice?" There's vomit on the sweater already, moms spaghetti.

He looked away. "How do you know my palms are sweaty? You can't possibly feel them through the armor!"

"No, but I can see the frikin paw prints you left on my chest! You nasty little bitch, I literally cleaned it yesterday!" He chuckled and slapped the elf on his rather underwhelming stickbug ass.


"Whatever?" Lance got closer, roughly shoving him into the wall and kissed him. "You're an ass." Ezarel laughed.

"You're calling me an ass? You? After what you've done- what you're doing to your brother, you call me an ass??" Lance looked at him for a few minutes, seething. With each second that passed, Ezarel trembled more and more in anticipation. This happened every time. He can't ignore his hatred towards Lance, even if he adores the man at the same time. They keep bickering, poking at each other like they used to, but with the elephant in the room it always comes to this. "You've got nothing to say, Lance?" The man took a step back from him.

He teared up from the hard slap that landed across his face. The force of it made him fall over, bumping into the shelf. Lance went closer and pulled his hair to make him look up at him before his anger melted away. "I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry... Can you do it again please?" Ezarel pleaded with polite words. He was breathing fast, he had a big red mark on his left cheek. This happened every time, he played with fire until he got burned. He was on his knees, cowering under the monster he loved to bring out from his dear Lance.

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