Got ya!

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Several days after, Principal Weems saw Enid and doesn't wear any red lipstick but pink. She begins to question herself about y/n red medicine lipstick.

Principal Weems encountered Enid again and ask for it.

Principal Weems: hi Enid

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Principal Weems: hi Enid. May I ask you about the lipstick brand you got? the red one, y/n said its a medicine, medicine of what? Does it cure cracking lips? You know the weather today, is so cold it makes my lips dry.

Enid: uhmm. Principal Weems, I'm sorry but I don't have a red lipstick.

Principal Weems: (surprise face) oh? Really?

Enid: Yes Principal Weems. Y/n doesn't ask any lipstick from me and she is not into it specially the red ones.

Principal Weems: (smiling) yes. You're right

Principal Weems wondered while walking down the hall  to her office and realizes that the color of y/n's lips that moment was same to her, so Principal Weems come up to some idea

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Principal Weems wondered while walking down the hall to her office and realizes that the color of y/n's lips that moment was same to her, so Principal Weems come up to some idea.
Principal Weems pretended to sleep in her office, the same position as last time. She pretended sleeping until y/n came in to her office.
Y/n walks not making any noise from its shoes. Y/n moves closer to Principal Weems and kissed her again, this time y/n kiss her for about 2 minutes and leave the office.
After y/n close the door behind her, the sleep pretending Principal opened her eyes and finally knew that the red lipstick of y/n last time was really came from her red soft lips.

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