The confrontation

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After y/n heard everything about Xavier and Principal Weems. Y/n hurriedly confront Principal Weems in her office.

Y/n: Principal Weems, is it true?

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Y/n: Principal Weems, is it true?

Principal Weems: what true?

Y/n: that you and Xavier had sex?

Principal Weems: (laugh) sex? Who told you that?

Y/n: it doesn't matter.

Principal Weems: kiss y/n, not sex.

Y/n: still sex, oral sex

Principal Weems: fine! Oral sex. What's your deal?

Y/n: deal? You lied to me. You never told me about that.

Principal Weems: why would I tell you? You are not my business and I am not your business.

Y/n: what? I almost got you.

Principal Weems: then? You almost but it didn't happen because you said you have Morticia.

Y/n was in silenced

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Y/n was in silenced.

Principal Weems: you know what, I should give Xavier a chance, he's very into me.

Y/n: no!

Principal Weems: why?

Y/n: you're mine.

Principal Weems: you can't own two person y/n. You have to choose one.

Y/n: so what? You have to choose between Xavier and me.

Principal Weems: why would I choose? You're not into me

Y/n: I'm into you. I actually know that you have small mole in between of your boobs.

Principal Weems lean crawl in her desk

Principal Weems: (with soft seducing voice) how did you know?

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Principal Weems: (with soft seducing voice) how did you know?

Y/n: I've been watching you secretly while you are in the shower, in bed and I even slid my finger inside you while you were sleeping.

Principal Weems: how? Why I can't feel it?

Y/n: because your intimate area is wet. It's easy to get in and I wonder why, maybe you knew that I was doing it because you're moaning.

Principal Weems: I thought I was just dreaming

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Principal Weems: I thought I was just dreaming.

Y/n: I actually have a duplicate key on your room.

Principal Weems: what? You've been watching me? The whole time and doing something like that?

Y/n: I like your seamless panty

Principal Weems: I lost one, did you stole it?
Y/n rushly move closer to Principal Weems and kiss her.

Y/n: yes! I've been smelling it when I miss you.

Principal Weems look into her eyes and kiss y/n back. Principal Weems enter her tongue to y/n's mouth and moan to her breath, both of them didn't noticed that Xavier was behind the window of Principal Weems saw them kissing and heard everything.

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