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*there's a bit of blood here*

Dear diary,
So uh...hi? I guess I'm supposed to write my feelings in this? Uh... Ok I guess I'll just start by saying my description.
I'm 12 and I'm kinda purple all over... Except my mouth and eyes...and my blood maby? I'm not sure... Yeah my blood is red. Stupid paper cut! Anyways I also have long hair.

Some people at school think I'm a girl because of it. But I'm not! I'm a manly man! I swear I am! Anyways.. I like a girl in school but she doesn't like me back blah blah blah stuff like that.
Bye! Wait-......imma name you! Yush just like Ann Frank. But I'm not gonna name you kitty.....uh....something they starts with an H.....not
Hubert? Nah.
Hanna? No! You'll be a guy!
Hero....hero something...... I dunno..... Brine? ...Herobrine....? Sounds cool .......yeah......yesh! You'll now be he-*the paper is to withered down and old to read the rest*

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