who was he????

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obama was running out of his house, knowing he was late for class he ran as fast as he could. his toast in his mouth, when suddenly he bumped into a tall green figer, a quite smeggzy one. obama looks up, quite embarrassed at what happened, he sees...SHREK! THE COOLEST GUY IN SCHOOL! shocked Obama backed away, his face turning red. he pulled down his skirt and ran away. Shrek was just minding his business when this happen, but once he saw Obama's flustered face, he felt a weird feeling in his stomach. at school, Obama couldn't stop thinking about what happened, he tried to forget but, it was too weird to forget. he felt nervous about the fact that he had just went face first into shreks chest. shocked at what he had thought he slammed his head into his desk, trying to forget. Shrek also couldn't get it out of his head, he kept on seeing the flustered face of Obama, and he thought it was cute. but Obama was a normie, and Shrek was cool. Shrek at least wanted to become friends with Obama, but it could never work. Shrek felt dumb, but he was gonna try.

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