a blooming friendship pt 2

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a few weeks later

Obama was sitting at the lunch table, no one else sat with him, he didn't have friends. he was eating his baglussy when Shrek sat next to him. shocked, Obama scooted away from Shrek, his face turning red. "you want to be friends" Shrek said, "R-REALLY?!!" Obama said happily, surprised that out of all the people shrek chose him. Obama's face turned burning red, his heart pounding like crazy. 'yeah let's be friends" Shrek said kinda seductively. "o-o-o-ok..." Obama said with a flustered voice.

they walk to their class together, Obama almost passing out, was this happening? is this real? does he love me? Obama's mind couldn't stop racing, what if he likes me? what if he hates me. "here we are " said Shrek, slightly nudging Obama. "OH! oh- ok" Obama squeaked. Shrek noticed and lightly giggled at Obama's embarrassed face. this was a start to an amazing friendship, and maybe more. obama walks to his desk, sits down, and emediely slams his head into his desk. he felt strange, he felt weird, he felt loved

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