idk man😭

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Shrek walks to the park still questioning his life when he finds Obama crying on a bench all alone. He walks up to him nervously and sits beside him. It took him a while to realize that someone was sitting next to him, Obama looks over to see who was next to him. He jumped in shock to see shrek was beside him. Obama stands up and stares at him, "hi-" said shrek but got eminently cut off by Obama. "I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have kissed you-i-im sorry" obama says, cutely staring at shrek with his uwu kawaii eyes. "don't worry Mamacita, i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ii-i-i-i-i-i-ii-i-iji- liked kissing u" shek says, showing a weak side to his tough boy persona. "d-d-d-do you wanna maybe... kiss again" shreake says staring at obemeas beautiful kawaii uwu oni-chan eyes. "i-i do wanna kiss again" obama says, shyly looking away, tucking his furry tail behind him. they passionatyl kiss bc I said so and now there dating so yeah that's it im so tired omg "uwu I love you" says obama cutely holding onto shrek for dear life bc he's short. "I love you to my pooky wooky doky e-kitten" shrek says looking handsomely at the non existent camera. "b-b-b-but alpha, what will the kids at school think about us,..1.. wont they be discussed" says catboy obama cutely while his pink skirt flows in the wind. "don't worry my pumpkin spice latte I will protect you my kitten wisker" says shrek while being very alpha omega cool wolf alpha. ^_^

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