Chapter Seven

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Ryujin's POV

The walk back to the hotel was full of sadness and disappointment. I really wanted to stay with y/n longer, but I knew my damn manager would say something to the CEO. I wrapped my scarf around tighter and sighed. But a smile soon made its way to my lips as I remembered the way I melted into y/n's hug. Her embrace was something that I now longed for and I know that's a bad thing because I'll never know if I'll see her physically again.    

Then the damn flight back to metaphorical prison was a long one. I had facetimed the girls before I boarded and they were nagging me to tell them what happened today. I laughed and told them I'll tell them in person, to which I got loud cheers in return. During the flight, I just put on a few movies to take my mind off the girl in New York City.    

We touched down hours later and surprisingly there were fans at the airport waiting for me. I wasn't sure how many knew I was out of the country, but I guess a lot since there's a good 100 people here. I saw a few familiar fansites and waved to all my fans. I took letters they handed me and thanked them as I got closer to the van. I finally got in and rolled down the window, having a few quick conversations with my fans. I then waved goodbye to them and rolled the window back up, leaning back against the seat and sighing.    

My manager is bringing me to the dorm instead of my apartment because I literally have nothing there. But the girls are also at the dorm waiting for me, so I am happy about that. And I know Lia will probably drag me out to go shopping tomorrow because that girl has an obsession. Lia and Yuna would get along.    

He parked the van and I hopped out, walking inside and taking the elevator up. I pulled my phone out and frowned as y/n still hasn't texted me. To be fair, I also haven't texted her. I sighed and then the elevator dinging, doors opening up to our floor. I walked out and before I could even get my key out of my bag, the door was flung open and a pair of arms wrapped me up.    

"Ryujinnie!" Chaeryeong shouted in my ear as she hugged me tightly. I laughed and hugged her back, hearing the footsteps of Lia and Yeji behind her. Chaeryeong shuffled back, still holding me, and then Lia walked past to close the door.    

"Well look at who's home!" Yeji said happily as Chaeryeong pulled away, allowing Yeji to also give me a hug. I then felt Lia hug me from behind, sandwiching me in between the two shorties.    

"Hubby!" Lia said as her face was pressed into my back. The smile was still present on my face as I didn't realize how much I missed these idiots. Then abruptly, they pulled back, Yeji holding onto my shoulders and staring me down,    

"Tell. Us. Everything." She said to me, Lia and Chaeryeong magically at her side now. I looked between the three of them and rolled my eyes,     

"Get me some food, then I'll talk."    

"Done." Lia replied with a smirk as she moved out of the way and pointed to the kitchen table. I gasped as there, sitting in the takeout container, was my favorite pho.    

"You guys know me too well."    

"That we do. Now eat quickly or I'll shove the food down your throat to hurry the process up." Yeji threatened me. I nodded my head and excitedly sat down at the table, opening the container. I then moaned as I ate the first bite, the taste invading my mouth in the best way. I ate it quickly and then they dragged me to the couch in the living room. Yeji turned off the TV and the three of them focused their attention on me.    

"So tell us about her." Chaeryeong said while wiggling her eyebrows.    

"You're not going to ask me about–"    

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