Chapter Forty-Five

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Y/n's POV 

"Dispatch got you two." 

Dispatch got us, they fucking got us. 

Those words kept repeating over and over in my head, each time getting louder and more annoying. Ryujin was in a state of shock as I just pressed the button on my phone to end the call with Yuna because we need time to process how our lives will change. 

I just sat down on the floor and put my head in my hands because I didn't know what else to do or how to react. We are so secretive, so careful to make sure this wouldn't happen. We always wore masks and kept a low profile. 

I felt Ryujin wrap her arms around me as she held me tighter than I ever knew possible. Tears welled up in my eyes and I silently cried while she held me. I obviously held her too and I heard her start to cry as well. There was nothing that could've prepared us for this moment. Last night we had such a lovely time, and now who knows about the future that isn't set in stone. 

"I knew this would happen at some point, I just wanted it to be later." Ryujin said in between cries as my heart broke hearing her voice quivering as she spoke. 

I wanted to so badly tell her that everything would be okay, but I would be lying. There's no way we can determine the outcome of this situation. Dispatch apparently put out an article about us and I don't want to know how the internet is reacting. But at the same time I do want to know because wanting to hear people's opinions about us can maybe help me. 

I'll just look at the nice ones later. 

"I'll be here, I'll be here with you." I told her with total confidence because there's no place I'd rather be right now. She just cried harder at my words and I raked my fingers through her hair as she let it all out. 

I don't know how long we stayed together on her bedroom floor crying, but I ended up laying down and she ended up on top of me. My arms were around her waist and both our eyes couldn't produce any more tears. 

"Should we wash our faces because I feel like we both now look like shit." I asked her as I heard a small laugh, making me scream happily inside. I want to make her laugh at this moment because I know she has so much more going on in her head than me. 

I didn't let her get up by herself because I wanted to hold her in my arms for longer. I got us both off the floor and she clung onto me like a koala. I flipped on the light and we both groaned lightly at the brightness. Our eyes adjusted and I cringed at how fucking horrible I looked in the mirror. Ryujin gasped at her reflection and wiggled out of my grasp to get closer to the mirror. 

"Jesus christ we both look horrible." 

"That we do. How about we take a shower together instead of just washing our faces?" She pondered the idea and nodded her head. She lifted my shirt off of me and I did the same to her. Once we were both naked, we turned the water on and thankfully it was already warm, so we got in right away. 

Except this shower was filled with unspoken words. This shower was us just craving intimacy that two lovers want in hard times. Our fingers caressed each other's skin and we both just wanted to physically feel the other person. We both had this fear that the other would leave, so we needed to reassure ourselves that the other person was still there. 

"I love you." I told her as the water cascaded down both our bodies. She reached up and cupped my cheek, 

"I love you too." Both of us leaned in to kiss, our lips meeting in the middle. The kiss was one of longing, one of a million emotions. We poured our heart and soul into this single kiss; we gave it everything we got. It was like this was our last kiss, except we would make sure it wasn't. 

Capturing a Moment (Shin Ryujin x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now