CHAPTER TWO- Stewie griffin

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The next morning, the family wakes up and just sits in silence, unable to process what has happened the past night. "What do we do..?" Chris says, tears building up in his eyes. Everyone turns to look at him and stays quiet. "I'm going outside." Stewie says before leaving the house. Stewie sits down on the porch steps and starts crying. He then gets up and walks over to the park to try and get his mind off things. When he gets there, he goes to climb up the latter near the slide when suddenly.. BAM!! He's clocked in the head, and falls unconscious. Stewie wakes up, in a empty, dark, room. Tied up onto a chair. Then a light turns on. Click. Underneath the light reveals a being dressed in a black hoodie and black mask. "WHO ARE YOU?? AND WHY AM I HERE?!" Stewie says, looking around the room. The being stays silent and steps closer. Stewie sobs in realization that this is his end. The being then pulls their arm ground behind them and swings a baseball bat at Stewie's head, murdering the poor kid.

7:45 PM, the griffins house

A couple hours have passed by and Stewie seems to be missing. The family starts to worry, fearing that he might not come back. "Stay here children." Peter says getting up and going to open the door to see if Stewie is anywhere near-by. Peter slides some slippers on and opens the door and goes out to look for him. "Cmon Stewie, where are ya?" He says to himself. There seems to be so signs of Stewie being nearby. He then goes to go back inside the house. "No luck.." Peter says opening the door and stepping back inside. RING RING.. the phone rings and Peter slowly walks towards the phone and picks it up. "Hello..?" Peter says. "Hello, is this Peter griffin?"
Yes, yes this is Peter." He says. "Are you by chance the father of Stewie Griffin?" The person says. "Yes.. I am, why are you asking..?" Peter responds worriedly. "I have some bad news for you Peter.. It appears.. your son.. is.. dead."

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