Part 1- Silence

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Pansy awoke to the familiar sound of Theodore Nott and Blaize Zambi arguing, She glanced towards her beloved friend Daphne for confirmation that this was just another nonsense fight regarding whom out of the two is better looking, Smiling The blonde girl nodded withholding laughter,

"I'm obviously better looking, The hair, the eyes, the body I have it all!" Theo was saying,

"The Body? The Weasleys have better bodies and some of them don't have a functional quantity of ears!" Blaise retaliated, playing right into Theo's hands,

"Don't bring your crush on Weaselette into this-"

"Hey, no fair!" The younger Boy yelled slapping his friend over the head, The duo turned to face Pansy and Daphne,

"PAAaaaAAAaaansy!" They said simultaneously,

"What?" She asked smirking,

"Blaise said that-" "Theo Called me ugly-" "HE iisssss ugly!-" "NOoOOooO you-" "NoOoOoO yoU!" after about half an hour of their continued squabbles Malfoy walked in and they fell into their seats silently,

"Hey, Drac" Daphne greeted smiling,

"Hey Greengrass" he responded,

"Oi Malfoy, sort out your minions before they draw attention to us" Pansy ordered, before smiling warmly at Draco, whom smiled back before turning to face the others,

"Zambi, Nott, If you make too much noise or get us in trouble in ANY way I will have your skins, Understood?" The Blonde said sighing,

"Of course, my liege," Blaise said bowing his head,

"Yes Sir!" Theo said with a loony grin copying the bowing gesture,

"Good, now, Potter and....... Weasley will not be returning for their seventh year, Granger however is, So we all should avoid her like the plague, The same goes for Longbottom, Lovegood and Ginerva Weasley," He paused to give blaise a pointed look, " We attend lessons and study after classes, In the weekends we will not be attending Hogsmeade unless it's necessary, We must pass our classes and stay out of detention, Do not draw attention to yourselves ok?" Draco said,

"We'll be good," Daphne said sadly, Draco sat down next to Blaise and the group remained quiet praying that the year would be ok. The childlike joy had faded and all that remained was fear.

"Where's Torry!" Theo asked suddenly, concerned the group sprung to their feet,

"Daphne, Blaise and Theo you take the back carriages me and Draco will take the front, we'll find her" Pansy instructed, Nodding the Slytherins split, Hurrying down the carriages far too distracted by the missing Greengrass Pansy didn't see the Gryffindor walking towards her until it was too late and they had both tripped and toppled to the floor,

"Watch it" Granger snapped,

"I'm so sorry Granger- I was looking for-" "Save your excuses for someone who cares" The brunette interrupted before adding " Your little deatheater is in good hands, look in carriage number five" nervously Pansy stood and ran towards the carriage Draco following behind,

There she was. Lying on the ground in a fetal position. Blood pouring out of a fresh cut on her arm. Possibly the kindest girl in the world. Astoria Greengrass, Rushing towards the young girl Draco scoped her up gently as Pansy stood frozen in the doorway,

"Let's get her back to the carriage, Hopefully, the others will be there," Malfoy said softly, Blinded by despair Pansy trailed behind, Daphne saw Malfoy and the almost lifeless form in his arms and ran to meet them as they filed into their carriage. Theo closed the door behind them, locked it and closed the blinds,

"Is she ok?" Blaise asked as Draco set her down, all he could do is shake his head and summon a first aid kit, Daphne Hugged her sister to her chest crying as she spoke,

"What can we do?"

"Keep her calm, we'll need to partially strip her," Draco said shaking,

"Ok, Daphne, sing to her, I'll take off her shirt and tie" Pansy gently,

"The buttons of my coat were tangled in my hair...." Daphne sang as the others set to work removing her shirt and cleaning the blood off her arm,

"What did they carve into her arm?" Theo asked numbly,

"DeathEatter...." Draco said barely audible against his sob, Daphne kept singing and Blaise joined in tears fell from all their eyes,

"I'll paint the kitchen Neon, I'll brighten up the sky..." Sobbing Astoria took her sister's hand and Pansy cast a spell to clean her shirt.

"From now on we stick together," Theo said strongly, the others nodded calming their sobs,

"Hey Daphne open up" a voice called, standing up pansy opened the carriage and let the newcomers in, Millicent Bulstrode and Tracy Davis walked in, Upon seeing The youngest girl's blooded arm they demanded answers,

"Who did this to her?"

"It was Granger and Longbottom.... Weasley grabbed me at the station and handcuffed me" Astoria said shamefully,

"What about Potter, Weaselette and Lovegood?" Draco asked,

"They objected to it, I think granger didn't want to but Weasel insisted, Don't do anything, you'll just get in trouble"

"We're here," Tracy said calmly,

"Let's go then", The group stood Draco wrapping an arm around Astoria comfortingly.

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