Chapter 3: The Might of Mankind

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For the first time since the battle had started, Hackett smiled his first genuine smile. The 5th Fleet had finally arrived in all its glory. No less than fifty ships were now present; frigates, cruisers, destroyers, all encircling the alien fleet while the carriers held back. The amount of power arrayed was truly awe-inspiring. Hackett, however, had not time to bask in it, as he was soon faced with a new hologram.

Admiral Silas Slade was the very definition of hard. He was not a man who minced words or flinched away from adversity and always maintained a calm and calculating demeanor. His face was clean-shaven, neither handsome nor ugly, but simply plain. He had cold gray eyes that stared with such intensity that no one could maintain eye contact with him for extended periods of time, which led to his moniker, "Steel-Eyes" Slade. Though past fifty, there was hardly a wrinkle present, as though time had forgotten to age him—or perhaps was afraid to.

Hackett saluted as though the President of the Federation was in front of him. Slade was a legend amongst the Federation Navy, for like himself, he had risen from enlisted man to his current rank and in record time. A born leader and tactician, Slade had seen action against some of the worst things the galaxy could throw at him and remained undaunted. Today was no exception.

The Admiral returned the salute, though his expression remained unreadable. "At ease, Captain Hackett," he said. His deep voice carried an English accent, the kind that any respectable vid villain would kill to have. "I see you and Captain Karuma have kept things well in hand for us."

"Yes sir," Hackett replied, returning to a slightly more relaxed state. "Out of fifteen enemy vessels, five are destroyed and their flagship is crippled. However, the aliens managed to land an unknown number of forces on Shanxi before we could engage them."

"Has there been any contact with the colony?"

"No sir. The aliens must have taken out communication hubs before invading, but given that Shanxi is lightly defended, I think it appropriate to assume that their situation is less-than desirable. With your permission, I would like to begin unloading all ground personnel to relieve the garrison."

Slade nodded. "Granted. What is your compliment?"

"Two full divisions, two hundred mecha, a hundred Engels, and supplies to support them, Admiral. Tager Packs Jericho and Golgotha are also present."

The Admiral's gray eyes seemed to suddenly light up and Hackett shuddered involuntarily. "Captain, deploy all ground forces save the Tagers. Have them board the crippled vessel. I want answers, so get me some prisoners."

Hackett saluted sharply. "At once, sir."


All across the Xerxes, jubilation reigned supreme as Hackett relayed the orders. Finally, they were taking the fight to the aliens. In the hangar bay, mecha and Engel pilots prepared to drop while the ground-pounders did final checks on the weapons and armor.

Federation tactics dictated that the first wave of an assault would be composed of the massive war machines, which would deliver crippling strikes to enemy forces and pave the way for the soldiers and other vehicles. The Nazzadi mecha, being the fastest, would blitz enemy positions, to be followed by Engels, who could take incredible amounts of punishment with Sword-class mecha offering support.

"All right, boys, you know the drill," said Alison as her team walked over to their respective mecha. "Stay together, maintain constant radio contact and watch each other's backs. No gung-ho shit." She gave a pointed look at Jon, who grinned back cheekily.

"Yes ma'am, Sarge."

"Good. I'll be on point. Jon and Jacob, you two stay behind me. Jimmy, you keep an eye out for any troopers who want to take a shot at us. Clear?"

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