Chapter 23: Held Captive

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Adrien couldn't be sure how much time had passed since he'd been captured. An hour? Two? It was impossible to say, and quite frankly, he couldn't bring himself to care.

After all, time was something he was going to have plenty of.

The APC drove on, far smoother of a ride than one might have thought such a vehicle capable of. In any other circumstance, Adrien would have admired the engineering behind it. As it was, the fact that it was ferrying him and his companions off to be prisoners of war didn't make him feel particularly appreciative.

In the more embellished Turian action flicks, this would be the moment where the main protagonist would stage a daring escape. Somehow, they would slip their restraints, casually take down the guards while doling out witty banter, and then commandeer the vehicle to head back to friendly lines to raucous cheers.

There was no chance of that happening here in the real world. Adrien's restraints were quite firmly secured and the human guards that watched them were laser-focused. Horonius had shifted himself to try and get into a more comfortable position a little while ago; one of the humans had his gun pointed at him faster than blinking. Any attempt at an escape would be brought to an abrupt and messy end.

So, with nothing better to do, Adrien sat there and tried not to think about what might be in store for him. His fellow Turians seemed to be taking the same route; there wasn't so much as a whisper from them, just a collection of tired and forlorn stares directed off into the distance or the floor.

The APC trundled on for what felt like another few minutes, when it suddenly stopped with a low screech of gears. There were a few startled gasps and fearful mutterings from the Turians. For his part, Adrien managed to keep the sudden feeling of apprehension from getting too much of a hold over him.

"Okay, birdies, ride's over!" one of the humans said, pacing up and down the middle of the vehicle. "Now, we're going to unlock you from your seats, so just a friendly reminder: you try any funny business, and you'll be pushing up daisies. For those of you not familiar with human sayings, that means you'll get shot."

So saying, they began to unlatch the seat restraints and haul the Turians to their feet. Once they were all standing, the soldiers herded them out of the APC and back into the world.

It was still dark out, so Adrien guessed that they hadn't been travelling for too long. It had also stopped raining, for which he was grateful. His gaze drifted around his new surroundings and saw that they were in the middle of what looked to be a major forward operating base. All about, human personnel went about whatever duties they were assigned; they performed maintenance on equipment, went through training exercises, and a host of other activities, all carried out with supreme productivity.

Say what you want about the Federation, but they were incredibly well-organized.

Their guards organized them into a single-file line and ushered them forward. Despite their terse commands, there was no malice or violent intent on their part, only quick and efficient professionalism. They were doing their duty, nothing more.

As they walked, human personnel paused in their tasks to take a look at them. Some appeared curious, others smugly satisfied, and a few even seemed slightly pitying, but surprisingly, there was no obvious hostility. There were a few jeers and insults thrown their way, but on the whole, the humans didn't seem to be all that interested in them. They just looked at the marching Turians for a brief moment and then went back to what they were doing. Indeed, there reactions were so indifferent that one might not realize that they were at war with each other.

Then again, given our performance, they probably don't even consider this a war, Adrien thought dryly.

The humans lead them over to a section of interconnected tents, each the size of a modest dwelling. They then divided the Turians up into individuals, and escorted them into one of the sections. Adrien knew what was coming: it was time for the interrogations.

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