Chapter 2

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Dan and Phil had clean the whole apartment, wiped down all counters, polished the colourful chair and well the whole apartment was spotless and now they were just waiting for both of their parents to show up.

They had decided that it would be best to tell both their parents at the same time about the baby and do it in the comfort of their own home and it would also mean that they wouldn't have to go on two long train journeys and get risked getting spot by fans, as they hadn't come out to them yet and even though Dan only had a small bump, they didn't want anyone seeing it and outing them or find out about the baby except the people that they chose to tell.

An hour later the doorbell rang and Phil answered it, greeting both of their parents who had gotten to Dan and Phil's apartment at the same time, leading them all to the living room Phil made all of them a cup of tea and then went to find Dan.

Walking into Dan's room, Phil saw Dan standing sideways and looking at his stomach in the mirror.

"Can you see it?" Dan asked Phil gesturing to stomach where his baby bump was.

Closing the door so they wouldn't be overheard Phil walked over to Dan hugging him from behind and resting his hands on Dan's baby bump.

"Bear," Phil started "your only three months, your bump isn't that big and plus we're going to tell them about the baby today, so it doesn't matter if your bump is visible a little and your top is baggy." Phil said, giving Dan a peck on the cheek.

"Yeah, you're right. Come on then I guess we shouldn't keep them waiting any longer." Dan said as he started to walk out of the room and taking the short walk down the hallway to the living room where their parents were waiting for them. When they entered the living room their parents were talking amongst themselves.

"Dan, how have you been?" Dan's mum asked as she saw Dan and Phil enter the room,

"I've been good." He replied as they fever into the living room.

Dan decided that it was now or never, that they would have to tell them, "we're got some really great news to tell you." Dan said feeling nervous but happy at the same time.

Everyone in the room was silent, Phil let go of Dan's hand and wrapping his arm around Dan so that his hand was only slightly touching his baby bump, Dan looked to Phil and smiled.

"We're" he said gesturing to him and Phil before continuing "are going to have a baby." Dan finished, looking to his parents he could tell that they knew what he meant.

"So, you're adopting then." Phil's dad asked, Dan just couldn't help but laugh slightly at the question that he had asked them and told him that they were not adopting, which left Phil's parents looking a bit confused.

"Bears pregnant." Phil explained simply, but only left his parents looking more confused than they already were.

"But, men can't get pregnant." Phil's mum said,

"I'm pregnant," Dan said "the reason why I am able to get pregnant is because, I'm a carrier."

"What's a carrier?" Phil's dad asked still looking as confused as ever,

"Well basically, a carrier is a men in pretty much every aspect the only difference that there is between a carrier and a normal man, is that a carrier is able to get pregnant because carriers they are born with a womb." Dan explained and now Mr and Mrs Lester looked a lot less confused than they originally were.

"So, how far gone are you?" Dan's mum asked him,

"I'm three months." He told her, lifting up his t-shirt to revile his baby bump.

"Come over here," Dan's mum said so Dan did as told and walk over to her, "you do look big for three months." She said,

"He is, isn't he." Phil's mum agreed with Dan's mum.

"You look big enough to be having twins." Dan's mum joked.


It was later on that night, after Dan and Phil's parents had gone to bed, which left Dan and Phil alone in the living room, well not that Dan was complaining, but he could just not shut his mind up, to put it simply, to be able to enjoy the piece he had with Phil.

Dan couldn't stop thinking about what his mum had said to him, that he looked big enough to be having twins, what if he was having twins, would they be able to look after twins, after all they both had little to no experience with babies, Dan himself had only held a baby a few times, what if with their wages they couldn't support to raise two kids, even though Dan knew that they would be able to two kids with their wages he still worried.

Phil saw a look of worry on Dan's face and decided that it would be best to try and comfort his boyfriend, "Dan, Bear are you ok?" He paused for a minuet before continuing "you look worried." Phil said with concern in his voice for the man he loved.

"I'm find, I was just thinking about what my mum said, what if I am having twins, would we be able to handle two babies Phil, what we will we do, can we even support to raise two children with our wages." Dan ranted and Phil stayed quiet letting him get it out of his system before speaking.

"Bear, even if you are pregnant with twins, it just means that there will be twice the love for us to give to our beautiful babies and you know that we are earning enough to raise two children." Phil said pulling Dan into a comforting hug and kissing the side of Dan's head.

"Thanks, lion" Dan said, pulling back slightly to kiss Phil on the lips,

"come on, it's getting late let's go to bed." Phil said take hold of Dan's hand as the two of them walked down the hallway to Phil's bedroom. They got ready for bed, Phil remembering to take out his contacts, then cuddled up together, Dan's head resting on Phil's chest and Phil's hand on Dan's baby bump.


The next day Dan was woken up at a ridicules time into morning, getting out of bed being careful not to wake Phil up, Dan rushed out of the bedroom and down to the bathroom, leaning over the toilet throwing up the contents of his stomach, once he was sure he was not going to be sick any more, Dan flushed the toilet and brushed his teeth.

Dan stood in the kitchen making a bowl of cereal, as he knew that he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, now that he had woken up.

"It's unlike you to be up this early in the morning Dan." Dan heard his mum say as she walked into the kitchen.

"Well, thanks to a magical thing called pregnancy, I was woken up by morning sickness." Dan said being a little sarcastic, and then adding on "oh, and if you want something to eat just help yourself."

"Well, the morning sickness will end soon." She said as Dan pick up his bowl of cereal and made his way to the living room.

It was about an hour later, everyone else was up and Phil was the last to get up, walking into the living room and sitting next to Dan, with his bowl of cereal.

"Phil, is that my cereal that you've got?" Dan asked when he saw the type of cereal that Phil was eating.

"Uuumm noooo" Phil said dragging out let letters,

"You cereal thief." Dan said

"What, you cereals better then mine." Phil said as he got more cereal on the spoon.

It was a few hours later when their parents were leaving, goodbyes were being said and now knowing about the baby, both Dan's mum and Phil's mum had put their hands on his baby bump, which was visible as his top was starting to get too small with his growing bump, and saying goodbye to the baby or babies. With their parents gone Dan and Phil cuddled up on the sofa together and just enjoying their time together.

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