Chapter 1

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She was twenty-five, fine as wine, five feet five inches tall, with long brown locs, caramel skin, and light brown eyes. She had a tight stomach, tiny waist and perfect ass. She could easily be mistaken for a video vixen or a hood-to-hood model from the pages of Straight Stuntin' magazine. But this wasn't a young girl that was making her bones through life on the strength of a pretty face or a brick house body. Hell no. She was a criminal, and she was all about that criminal lifestyle. Her name was Scarlett Simone Brown, and she was finishing up the last day of her five-year sentence in the Aliceville Federal Prison on a drug trafficking conviction. She would be on the bus back home the next day.

However, her loyalty to the Loco Gang, a violent street gang formed on the south side of Montgomery, Alabama, had her following through on a greenlight execution order of a rival gang member. So, as she waited patiently on the yard, dressed in her prison issued uniform, she prepared her mind to commit a gangland murder. It was all for the gang. Blood in, blood out. Loco Gang over everything. Two of her Loco sisters, Honey and Sahara, walked over to where she was standing, and they shook up Loco Gang. It was obvious by the look on their faces that something was troubling them, which couldn't be a good thing. Sahara was a brown skin girl with cornrows that hung down her back. She was thin as a whip, and more dangerous than a loaded assault rifle. Honey was a big girl with dark skin, a shaved head, and big bug eyes. She looks as if she could give any hardcore hard leg a run for his money. These females were with the bullshit, and the upcoming bullshit was about to hit the fan.

"Is it still a greenlight?" Sahara asked, lighting up a cigarette.

"Yeah." Scarlett said, scanning the many females faces outside on the prison yard. "We on go-go."

"I think it's fucked up they making you do this the day before you supposed to go home." Sahara replied.

"They got an agenda." Honey said, with those big, bugged eyes fixed on Scarlett.

"Of course, there's an agenda." Scarlett snapped, with ice in her voice. "There's always an agenda. "You know it, I know it, we all know it. It is what it is."

"And you are just going to do what you told?" Honey asked, "Face down, ass up? No questions asked?"

"What the fuck am I supposed to do?" Scarlett shot back in a hoarse whisper. "Y'all know how this shit goes. The orders come down from the top. We carry them out. End of story."

There was a brief silence as Honey and Sahara soaked up the words Scarlett had spoken.

"Are y'all down with this shit, or do I need to find somebody else to help me?" Scarlett asked in frustration.

"You know we got your back." Sahara quickly assured her.

"Always." Honey agreed. "We just want to make sure you're alright with it. We love you. We're sisters."

"I'm fine." Scarlett responded. "Now tighten up. Here comes that white bitch now."

When the two Loco females looked in the direction that Scarlett was looking, their eyes zeroed in on a heavy set, middle aged white woman with short strawberry blonde hair, and rebel flag tattoos on both of her arms.

Her name was Jennifer Peavy. She was the leader of a female gang known as the Daughters of Crow. The Daughters were a white supremacist gang formed in the backwoods of Kentucky. Their organization was built on the ideas of the legendary white supremacist, Jim Crow. Inside of the Aliceville Federal Correctional Facility the two female gangs usually stayed out of each other's lane. But all of that changed the day Jennifer was shaken down by the institution's K-9 unit. The random search turned up six ounces of crystal meth, stashed inside of the woman's bed mattress. In a deal made with the warden to avoid new changes and more time to her sentence, she rolled over on the correctional officer who was responsible for smuggling the drugs inside the institution. The officer was arrested and charged with distribution of contraband and conspiracy. It seemed as if Jennifer had dodged the bullet. What she didn't realize was that it wasn't only the Daughters of Crow who were being supplied by the corrupt officer, but also the Loco Gang. They were all doing business with drug dealing federal employees as well. After the officer's arrest, the Loco Gang suffered a decline in their profits. They had to rebuild their operation. However, in order for a new mule to take the old mule's place, the Locos had to send a message that snitching would not be tolerated in Aliceville. Jennifer Peavy was going to be that message, loud and clear.

At the moment she was selling another inmate a marijuana joint for a pack of oatmeal cookies and a couple of honeybuns. The woman had obviously fallen from glory. Easy come, easy go. When she finished the transaction, she tossed the food items inside of her laundry bag, then started walking back towards her cellblock. Scarlett, Honey Child, and Sahara followed close behind.

When Jennifer finally made it to her cell, she didn't have time to put her laundry bag down before Scarlet and her homegirls swooped in and began stabbing the white power shit out of her. Jennifer screamed for help or mercy, or whatever bone her white God was willing to throw. However, at an insanely fast pace, the razor-sharp blades of the homemade knives penetrated deep inside of her badly built body. The entire cell was flooded with blood. Scarlett and her sisters continued to stab until she finally collapsed on the floor. Scarlett climbed over the dying woman's back with her knife in hand. She jerked her chin upward as her right hand quickly slashed across the fallen woman's throat. The blood oozed over Scarlett's hand, hot and sticky. She felt the white bitch jerk one last time before her entire body went limp, showing no more signs of life.

When it was all said and done, Jennifer had been stabbed over a hundred times. The three Loco women dropped their blood-stained knives on the floor and hurried out of the cell without being noticed by anyone with loose lips. By the time they'd made it back to Scarlett's cellblock, they knew that they'd gotten away with murder. The hit was a success. They spend the rest of the night smoking flakka, snorting ice, and drinking homemade liquor.

The correctional facility went on lockdown as prison officials investigated the brutal homicide. Thankfully, for Scarlett and her band of killers, there were no suspects whatsoever.

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