Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The previous five years flew by at the speed of light. Prison is a world of its own, dictated by its own leaders, rules and consequences. Time passes behind the fence at a pace much faster than it does in the free world. If you're not careful you could blink your eyes and lose track of the number of years that have come and gone. Lost in time.

Scarlett was given a one-way bus ticket, along with fifty dollars and a wish of good luck. She knew that their good luck wish was about as genuine as a pimp's declaration of love. But she didn't give a damn. She was young, free and back in her hometown of Montgomery, Alabama. Life was sweet, super sweet. As she looked out the Greyhound bus window, she thought to herself what a beautiful view. Almost too beautiful to be a part of Montgomery. It didn't seem to belong to the capitol city's history of bloodshed, racism, power struggles, and gangsters. It was the city of big dreams and bad memories. There's no place like home.

As she exited the Greyhound bus, a feeling of nostalgia washed over her. It was good to be back, she thought, grabbing her bags from the Greyhound's carry-on luggage compartment, and then strutting into the bus terminal to find a payphone. She hadn't told anyone that she was being released today. It was her plan to catch everybody off guard. She didn't want to give anyone the chance to sell her a dream or lie to her about what was what. Scarlett Simone Brown wasn't going out like that. Not in this life or the next.

A high pitch squeal startled her, shaking her from her thoughts. When she turned to see where the squeal was coming from, her eyes locked in on one of the sexiest bitches in the city. It was her lover and best friend since high school, Macy Mendoza. Macy was a doll face Mexican who was finer than a motherfucker. She had rich golden skin, deep brown chocolate eyes, curly black hair and a beautifully built body. Scarlett, who was just as excited to see Macy, squealed back in delicious delight. They wrapped their arms around each other and hugged like two long lost lovers, finally reunited.

"Holy Shit!" Scarlett gasped, looking Macy up and down. "You look amazing!"

She wasn't lying. Macy was wearing a pair of black skintight hip huggers with a matching black halter top and stilettos. She looked as if she stepped out a Mexican Vogue magazine.

"You do too!" Macy gushed, unable to stop smiling. "Even with that busted ass sweat suit you go on. You still got it bitch!"

Scarlett couldn't help but laugh. The five-dollar Walmart sweat suit was the only option the prison offered her before releasing her back to the free world. It was obvious that the Bureau of Prison wasn't a big fan of fashion. But Scarlett didn't give a fuck. She would've walked out of prison wearing a garbage bag and a pair of flip flops if it meant returning to the free world.

"What is you doing here?" Scarlett asked

"I'm here to pick you up. Why you think I'm here?"

"How did you even know to come get me?" Scarlett frowned. "I ain't tell nobody I was coming home today."

"You ain't have to tell nobody." Macy smiled, grabbing Scarlett's hand and leading her out of the bus station. "Do you really think me and Luther didn't know you were getting out? We've been waiting on you for the last five years. You home now, and we ain't letting nobody take you away from us again."

Scarlett and Macy had been in a monogamous relationship with Luther Graves since high school. He was one of the biggest flakka dealers in the city. It was a well-known fact on the streets of Montgomery that if you fucked with either Scarlett or Macy, a visit to the emergency room was in your immediate future. That wasn't a pleasant thought. So, most niggas just kept their distance.

When the two young women reached the parking lot, they stopped in front of a whip so dope boy fresh it damn near took Scarlett's breath away. It was an iron-grey Chevy Avalanche on thirty-inch Dub Delusion spinners.

"Damn!" Scarlett said in wide eyed amazement. "It looks like Luther has been treating you pretty good since I been gone."

"Luther just being Luther." Macy said dismissively. "But trucks and sport utility vehicles ain't my thing. I'm a sports car kind of girl." She tossed the keys to Scarlett. "This is your shit. And yeah, you can drive us home. Just make sure that you don't crash and kill us both on the way."

Scarlett wanted to scream for joy and do her trademark happy dance. However, she somehow kept her composure. Even though, on the inside, she was dancing. It felt good to be cruising the streets of Montgomery with Macy riding shotgun. It reminded her of the good old days when she and Macy would skip class, get geeked, and bend corners aimlessly around the southside in one of Luther's tricked out old schools. Those were the days. Scarlett parked the Avalanche in front of a two-story split-level house on Taylor Road. It had a bricked driveway, a garage and a carport. The property screamed of cold hard cash.

"Welcome home." Macy smiled. It ain't the Fresh Prince of Bel-air, but it ain't Boyz in the Hood either."

They exited the Avalanche and Macy gave her the grand tour. There was a book line study, next to an outdoor courtyard, followed by a dining room, living room and another larger courtyard border by a Koi Pond, and beyond that was a marble spa and sunken swimming pool, all of it surrounded by jungle like vegetation and exotic flowers. The master bedroom where herself, Macy, and Luther would either sleep or enjoy each other's beautiful bodies, made her knees weak. There was a huge Victorian era canopy bed, dressing room, and a bath with a Jacuzzi tub. Scarlett found a television remote control on the bedside table, no tv set. She pressed the "on" button and a gigantic flat screen television rose from a cabinet and filled the facing wall. She was speechless. Never in her life could she have ever imagined living like this. It was a home built for a rapper, or a professional athlete, or a cartel king pin.

Just as she was about to pinch herself to be certain that she wasn't dreaming, Luther walked into the bedroom. Their eyes connected; it was as if time had frozen. He was just how she remembered him. The long aristocratic nose accented with a powerful jaw. He had a good grade of hair which he kept lined to perfection. His skin was darker than the darkest night, his body ripped from years of intense workouts at the gym. The man was dressed in a comfortable pair of jeans and an unironed chambray shirt with cuffs loosely rolled back to his elbows. He was, in her mind, God's gift to women.

"Damn, baby girl." He said staring into her eyes. "It's been a long time."

"It has." She agreed "I'm surprised you still remember me."

"You're my queen Scarlett. How could I not remember you?"

"I don't know." She said softly, "I thought that maybe with all of your wealth, pretty cars, and beautiful bitches, you wouldn't have any space in your thoughts for me anymore."

"You sound like a fool girl. A beautiful ass fool, but a fool still the same." He smiled lazily. "I could have a million bitches that squirt out thousand-dollar bills when they piss, and all of them couldn't be equal to one of you. I'd give up this entire world and every bitch in it to have you by my side.

"Well," She smiled back. "Lucky for you I don't require that kind of sacrifice."

"Really?" He said. "So, what is it gonna take to have you by my side again?"

She grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, shoved him onto the huge canopy bed.

"A sweet tongue." She smiled seductively/ "And a strong motherfucking back."

Luther closed his eyes, exhaled deeply, trying to calm down the excitement he was feeling. When his eyes opened Macy was standing beside Scarlett. Somewhere along the line she'd discarded her clothes. She was wearing nothing but her birthday suit, and a string of pearls around her neck. Scarlett never broke eye contact with Luther as Macy slowly began undressing her. Luther felt as if the sky had opened as the angels cried out his name from God's master bedroom in heaven. He made a silent prayer for the strength of Sampson and infinite stamina. He prayed that God would allow him to satisfy the most beautiful women in the world. He prayed for as strong motherfucking back.

"God bless us all." He sighed, "And have mercy on my throbbing cock."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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