r u l e s

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this is the rule page, so please no advertising <3 all advertising will be on the next part. please read the rules before commenting your self ad!


1. keep the advertisement STRICTLY poetry please. i know there are a lot of great works out there that arent just poetry, but im trying to create a platform to help out poets specifically <333

2. keep the comments and critiques on this and others work POSITIVE. there is a huge difference between constructive criticism and completely bashing someones art. we only tolerate love in these parts of town <333

3. if your work is a little on the darker side, provide a trigger warning that states your content could be slightly or very triggering. if not all of your work is like this, i suggest perhaps adding trigger warnings to the specific parts that could upset someone. i am aware that the world does not come with a trigger warning, but for some topics, it is a little helpful to prepare or warn others <333

4. fill out the provided form on the next page and comment your ad there. PLEASE do not advertise on this page as it is the rule page <333

5. if you want me to specifically read your work, or even possibly critique or provide advice; though im not a professional, i am always down to help a fellow poet out! just comment requesting a read, or dm me if i fail to see/reply to the message <333

6. last but not least; do not feel discouraged if it takes time for your work to get the attention it deserves. not all who roam the earth are open to feeling the emotions poetry can inflict. everything takes time, so keep trying <333

continue on to the next part to advertise! ill see ya there <333

SELF ADVERTISING: POETRY EDITION Where stories live. Discover now