Day One

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Kaede wasn't sure what to do. She wasn't sure if she should just look the other way and ignore the obstacle or if she should do something about it. Her eyes flickered from the tiny human in front of her to the store she was about to head into.

"I want my mommy...can you help me find my mommy?" The kid whined as tears started to stream down their rosy cheeks. Kaede rubbed her eyes and opened them as if doing so would make the kid disappear, it did the opposite, instead the kid moved closer.

"No." She shook her head and ignored the kid as it started to cry louder. She walked into the store and began to look around for some Bufferin medication for her growing headache. The sound of the child's cries floated into the store with her and the blooming guilt of leaving the said child alone didn't make her feel any better either.

Kaede took out her gun and used the butt of it to break open some glass that kept her from the rest of the untouched medicine at the front counter. She let out a sigh of relief when she finally found a box of Bufferin.

She opened the box, took out two tablets, and popped them into her mouth before opening her water bottle and practically downing the thing. It took her forever to find a creek that didn't look like it was infested with trash just to get some water. Though she shouldn't complain too much, she managed to fill up five water bottles and they actually looked crystal clear.

Kaede leaned her head back and starred at the ceiling before looking over at the entrance where she could see the little kid from earlier watching her intensely. With a sigh she shoved the rest of the pills into the backpacks side pocket and motioned for the kid to come inside. 

Kaede clutched the paper between her fingers as she glared at what was written on it. Her eyes flickered to the kid and back to the note. Someone had written down the kids Visa and from the looks of it if she didn't do something the kid was going to die by the end of the night.

"This is why I am never having kids." Kaede stood up from where she was crouching and handed the kid his note back. "Come on then, we need to find you a game."

"Really?" He swallowed the rest of the granola bar she had given to him when his stomach audibly grumbled.

"Yes, really." She sighed while untying the knot she made with the straps. "Here's the deal shorty-"

"Mosu." He corrected but she ignored him.

"You are going to carry my bag while I carry you on my back."


"Stop asking questions before I change my mind." She placed the bag behind him with a satisfied smirk when he no longer said anything. The second it was around his shoulders she tied the straps just as she did before.

She picked him up and sat him on the counter, so she didn't have to kneel down for him to climb onto her. Once he was comfortably situated, they walked out of the store on a hunt for a game. Mosu smiled happily but Kaede continued to frown as she thought about what kind of game they might have to play. 

If it was Diamond, then she was sure that he would die unless they were on the same team, and he didn't have to participate much but the likelihood of that happening was damn near impossible.

If it was a Club's game, they would have a higher chance of winning than a Diamon.

If it was a Spade's game, then she would have to try her hardest to ensure that the kid was with her at all times. She would have him do exactly what they were doing now as she carried them both to safety.

She didn't even want to think about if it was a Heart's game. Heart games suck the most out of all the crazy shit the Game Masters make. For her they did anyway.

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