A Surprising Start to My Summer

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I usually don't do much for my birthday. This year I actually got what I wanted.

5 Seconds of Summer announced that they'd be performing in NJ, at Jones Beach, and on the news in NYC. I begged my mom to let me at least go to the one in NYC because it was free. My brother's girlfriend said she would probably be able to take me. But what really surprised me was what happened around the end of the school year and right before my birthday.

My dad got me Vans. I picked out a pair that I liked but they didn't have them in my size. Turns out I was a 7 1/2. I wanted something with black so I found another pair that I liked. But I liked this one a lot more. They were black with white bottoms and a turquoise stripe on each bottom and turquoise insides. And I think one of my favorite parts was the fact that there were black shoelaces. I don't know, I like black shoelaces a lot I guess.

They were my first pair of Vans.

I used to hate going shopping for clothes because it was what everyone else liked doing but I kind of started to enjoy it because I don't really get to go anywhere that often. My mom doesn't drive and my parents are divorced. I live with my mom. I've started to learn to not take anything for granted.

My parents have been unhappy and separated since I was little. Honestly, I don't know how I've accomplished so many things because my life has been so stressful from my parents. And it doesn't help that I was too annoying to be liked by anyone from pre-k to eighth grade. Since the end of fourth grade I wanted to move and I almost begged my mom. I didn't go into detail but I thought she understood. Apparently not. It doesn't really matter though because in fifth grade my teacher was so nice to me. Once I even built up the courage to dance on the tables with everyone else during one of our parties. We would blast music and rearrange the tables so we could dance on them and I'm pretty sure my mom thought my teacher was crazy but I think she understood that I liked him because he was extremely nice and understanding. Too bad I never opened up about anything.

I should've had a therapist. I should've. I should've talked to the school counselor. But of course we didn't have one. And before the beginning of seventh grade I was extremely shy. I never found the right person to talk to. Would I say that's a bad thing? Not really. Because I started putting my feelings into poetry. Even if it was about having lunch at seventh period or how I sometimes hated how I bite my nails.

Towards the end of the school year I got my yearbook. I felt sick. Who would I have sign it? I had all my past teachers that were still in the school sign it and then I figured out who in my grade would sign it. Seven. Seven people. One hated me, one came to my school a few months before the end of the year, and three didn't exactly like me. I just wanted to see what they had to say. They signed their names and nothing more.

On graduation day my dad picked up my mom, my half brother, his girlfriend, and I to go to my graduation. That was an interesting sight because my dad didn't know my brother's girlfriend and three people were squeezed into the back. Lucky for me, I was the one graduating, so I sat in the front.

I didn't really need a present but I got two. My parents got me a guitar, which my dad obviously bought. My brother and his girlfriend got me tickets to a 5SOS concert. I didn't care about embarrassment. I screamed. Everyone else who graduated looked at me. I was about to tell them off but I was a little too happy. I only fell in love with them in February. No, it was mid- to late- January because I remember Calum's birthday. I got Vans, I actually graduated middle school, and I'm going to a 5 Seconds of Summer concert. What a surprising start to my summer.

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