Midnight After A Heartbreak: Peek-a-boo

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Tick... tick... tick...

My hands move slowly over my face
I'm waiting for the new day to arrive
so that I may awake again.

It's late when she arrives back home.
Strange... She doesn't look the same.
Her face is stained with tears,
Covered by her drenched black hair.

She looks up at me
I stare back through my hands,
Seeing the heartbreak in her eyes.

Ding... Ding... Ding... Ding...

My silent chimes whispered to her.
Saying, 'Another day is here.'
I won't lie to her
I knew this was coming.

There was nothing I could do to help.
I was guilty of a crime against another.
I knew she would be here, heartbroken.

If only my hands would extend out to hold her.
Then, I could whisper the secret I knew.
Yet, as my melody ends, so begins the healing.
Don't give up on me yet.

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