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Chapter one

TW: Swearing, mentions of abuse, cults, suggestive content, Douma being Douma, devouring humans, gore


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{𝙹𝚊𝚙𝚊𝚗 𝟷𝟾𝟷𝟿}

She snapped up her neck to the voice's location only to find a girl peaking out the room, most likely trying to catch someone else's attention. Masako blinked in confusion as a tall, muscular man walked into the room with a smile on his face. "Heya!" He greeted happily. "You must be the woman Nozomu was talking about, am I correct?" He walked up to her and took a seat next to the Ryokan she was laying on. Masako could only blink at him and slowly nod. "Y-Yes?" Something about this strange man intimated her, he made her feel small mentally if not already physically. He had to be over six feet, since he towered over many things in the room, no matter how big they were. "Perfect! Well then!" Douma extended out a hand to Masako, offering to help her up. Which, she hastily accepted.  Masako dusted herself off for a moment before realizing something. She looked around the room, and also in the arms of the women in here. "Whe-" before Masako could even get her question out, she was suddenly cut off. "Your daughter is fine. She's in the room over with some more experienced maidens." The tall man assured, while petting her head. "More experienced? Are you trying to say something about me? Because if you don't think I can handle my own daughter-" she was cut off again. "That's not what I said." He replied with a smile. Masako was silent, she was unsure how to respond. Not only that, the way he stared at her was making her even more uncomfortable, she couldn't bring herself to look at those unique kaleidoscopic eyes that were staring back at her.

"Can I-"

"May you."

Masako paused and narrowed her eyes at him. "May I go see my daughter, I don't like being away from her." "Of course! But there's no need to go and get her yourself."  Douma snapped his fingers, catching the attention of one of the girls sitting next to the doors. Probably a hand maiden. He then pointed towards the door and the handmaiden quickly stood up and scurried out the room. He smiled and turned back to Masako. "Now, Allow us to get to know each other."

The mother blinked in surprise. She knew this was a cult but it definitely was not like she expected. "O...kay...?" Masako nervously agreed. "What is your surname , Masako?" He inquired, leaning on a nearby wall. "Naomi? Why do you ask..?" Masako furrowed her eyebrows. "It's respectful, is it not?"

"I suppose."

There was a short moment of silence.

"How old are you?"

"Twenty-five. How old are you?"


"You're quite young? Aren't you married or something?" Masako laughed. "No, Sadly. I'm not looking for a wife at the moment."

Masako was confused with his answer. He's young and handsome yet he isn't married or looking for a wife? Any man as good looking as him wouldn't hesitate to use his looks to get himself some perfect young wife. Masako's suspicion only grew more as they continued chatting.

"That's strange, why don't you want a wife?"

"I'm just not interested in marriage at the moment." He snapped. Yet even with such a stern answer, he kept his smile. It didn't look forced at all, unlike someone who was actually upset would look. The smile looked completely genuine, which didn't match his response. Masako was caught off guard with the sudden aggression and with the weird expression. Seriously, who was this guy?

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