Walking On You Changing >> Shoto Todoroki 🧊🔥

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You sat in front of your mirror, looking at your reflection as you changed into your new outfit. You had just bought it from the mall that day and couldn't wait to wear it out. You knew it would be a hit with your boyfriend, Shoto Todoroki, who had always been neutral in his expressions but you could tell when he liked what he saw

As you slipped into the new top, you heard the door to your room open and turn around to see Shoto standing there, staring at you with a neutral expression but you could tell something was different

"Hey" you said, trying to sound casual but your heart was racing "I didn't expect you to be here so early"

Shoto just stood there, staring at you. You felt a little uncomfortable under his gaze but you didn't know why. He had seen you in your underwear before but this time, it felt different

"Is something wrong ?" you asked, trying to break the silence

"No" Shoto finally said "I just didn't expect you to be changing"

You felt relieved that he hadn't walked in on you completely undressed but you could still feel the tension in the room. You tried to brush it off and continued getting ready but you could tell Shoto was still disturbed by something

"Are you okay ?" you asked again, this time more worried

"Yeah" Shoto said, still neutral in his expression "I'm fine"

But you knew he wasn't. You could see it in his eyes and the way he was standing. You didn't know what was wrong, but you knew you had to find out. You finished getting dressed and walked over to him, placing you hand on his shoulder

"Talk to me" you said softly "What's wrong ?"

Shoto let out a sigh and looked at you "It's just that seeing you like that, it made me realize how much I want to be with you"

You felt your heart skip a beat at his words. You had always known that Shoto cared for you but you had never heard him say it before

"I want to be with you too" you said, smiling "But what's the matter ? You seem disturbed"

"I guess I just realized how much I care for you and it made me scared. Scared of losing you. Scared of what the future holds" Shoto said, finally opening up

You hugged him tightly, understanding his fear "I care for you too and nothing will ever change that. And as for the future, we'll face it together"

Shoto hugged you back, finally letting go of his fear. He knew that as long as you had each other, you could face anything

From that day on, you and Shoto's relationship grew even stronger, knowing that you had each other to rely on and support. And whenever you faced something difficult, you'd remember the moment you shared in your room, when you realized the depth of your feelings for each other and the strength of your bond

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