Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"I can't wait," Lightningpaw muttered to Splashpaw as his denmate continued droning on about the 'superbness' of gatherings for what felt like the thousandth time.

Internally, his mind was watching all the cats, scanning them for any source of information. When a cat so much as flicked a whisker at him, he watched them closely for the remainder of the day.

"You must be missing Heronclaw."

Lightningpaw looked up, taken out of his thoughtful haze by a cheerful voice from behind him. He turned and saw Ravenfur staring at him thoughtfully with bright golden eyes.

"Mildly, so." He responded guardedly. "Although, I am sure that she will return soon. After all, she swore an oath of allegiance to this clan."

Lightningpaw continued walking, trying to get back in step with Splashpaw, but Ravenfur stood in his way. He flicked his tail at Ravenfur in irritation, but Ravenfur stood his ground, looking mildly bemused.

"Look, buddy," he blinked at Lightningpaw. "There's no need to be all secretive around us! And you were just starting to open up. We're your clanmates, for StarClan's sake!"

Ravenfur began to move in, but Lightningpaw dodged around him, and glowered at him. Forcing a grim onto his face, he meowed. "Yep, Ravenfur!" before turning away.

For the rest of the walk to the gathering, Lightningpaw made sure that he was squeezed tight in between Splashpaw and Moonlightheart, two cats that he definitely did trust, unlike Ravenfur.

He could try being a bit less... happy. Lightningpaw was sure all that happiness was just a malicious disguise, and was annoyed by how all his clanmates always ignored his suspicions. Every cat always loved cheerful and cheeky Ravenfur, and tended to avoid his more silent and analytical self.

One day, Lightningpaw thought as he made his way up a ridge, they'll realise that sometimes being safe and unnoticeable leads to a lot less heartache.

Again, he felt that twist in his gut, that pain in his head, that desperation to remember. He couldn't ignore the fact that he knew something that would lead to significant death and pain. And he couldn't ignore that, like an incoming storm, it was coming swiftly towards the cats.

While Lightningpaw made his way to the gathering, he mentally began to map out the territory in case he and Splashpaw needed to have a safe getaway. The gathering island was the last place on his list of safe havens so far.

Lightningpaw let out a sudden gasp, and from beside him, Splashpaw looked up hopefully. He had started to include Splashpaw in all of his plans...

"Did you find a clue?" Splashpaw whispered eagerly. "Something about the gathering, or... or this strip of territory?!"

Lightningpaw shook his head, and mouthed an apology. Splashpaw looked crestfallen, but he turned and began talking to Thornriver. As Lightningpaw listened to the two cats' conversation, he was surprised to hear Splashpaw of all cats giving Thornriver some advice to not over analyse everything.

The dark grey tom let out a rye purr of amusement. Thornriver was always such a smart and philosophical Medicine Cat that sometimes she got caught up in memories or her work. She and Splashpaw were a great duo.

As Lightningpaw pressed on, he realised that the island where the gatherings took place was in sight. He looked behind him, wondering how all the cats were reacting, seeing if any of the cats looked guilty or eager to mingle with the other clans.

In doing so, he nearly rammed right into the clan deputy, Darkstorm.

"We're stopping here," she mewed to him briskly. "Take a seat with your clanmates."

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