Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"Try the move again!"

Swiftpaw took a deep gasp of air before turning to face Redmoth once more. She could feel the smug aura rolling off him in waves, and growled as he darted towards her once more, going for her belly.

Not this time! Swiftpaw growled, cursing StarClan as Redmoth banged into her, but this time she withstood the force of the impact, then, quick as a snake, she slithered under his belly, and jabbed once at his soft underbelly fur before darting out again.

"She's not bad," Adderjaw commented.

Redmoth let out a sniff, and Swiftpaw listened as he rasped his tongue over where she had jabbed him with her forepaw, as though washing away her scent. She growled in her throat, but the deputy didn't seem to notice.

"Sure," Redmoth commented casually. "But sometimes her moves are way out of line. It's clear she needs a lot more training."

Says the cat whose apprentice is nowhere to be seen! Swiftpaw despised Redmoth, and despised even more that he was her half-uncle. Luckily for her, the feeling was mutual.

Swiftpaw picked her ears, and heard Redmoth padding over to where the other mentors stood. They were discussing battle tactics for the fight with ShadowClan that was coming in three days. Swiftpaw dug her claws into the ground, anticipating the day she could show ThunderClan and her mother that she was a strong warrior, all on her own.

"Adderjaw's right, you know," Swiftpaw pricked her ears, and realised that the two other non-Tinypelt apprentices, Coalpaw and Donnockpaw, had padded up to her.

Donnockpaw purred as she said the words. "I can't wait to fight!" she exclaimed. "Shred some ShadowClan fur!" Her tail was flicking to and fro eagerly. "Although," she murmured quietly. "I'm worried about where Finchpaw is."

"I'm sure he's fine. He's always been a great leader and strong cat," Coalpaw muttered irritably. "Hey, Swiftpaw," he mewed, trying to distract his moonstruck littermate. "How was your first gathering?"


Swiftpaw's couldn't help but share Donnockpaw's premonition. She could feel the fear of the she-cat rolling off of her in waves. Coalpaw seemed to notice it too but said nothing.

"How long has he been gone?" she asked.

"Since before the gathering. I'm not sure."

"And no cat cares?" I mean, who would?

Donnockpaw reared back, and unsheathed her claws. "I care," she growled. "But he's nowhere to be seen, okay?"

Swiftpaw's mind was racing. With all the intensity ThunderClan had been pouring into fighting training, and border patrols into ShadowClan, her mind hadn't been on the pesky tom, but now she wondered where he was. His wounds were becoming infected...

"What if-"

Swiftpaw's voice was cut off by a growl from Redmoth. The deputy was looming above her, eyes dark.

"If my apprentice is gone," the deputy growled. "Then he's gone. Deal with it."

Donnockpaw rounded on the deputy. "Don't you care?" she hissed. "You've always been smug enough about it when he's the leader of the apprentices and all that nonsense."

Redmoth turned away. "Whatever," he growled. "You three do what you like. Just remember Eaglestar has a clan meeting to talk over battle tactics coming up at sundown."

Swiftpaw listened to the sound of crunching pawsteps as the deputy turned away. She heard Forestcrunch and Applefire follow them, their voices in a hushed conversation. Swiftpaw felt a sudden chill probe her pelt at the encroaching battle, even though she was partly excited for it.

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