~•∆ Well fuck, she's dead 💀 ∆•~

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Summary: Steven realizes that Jasper is never going to come back... And he's terrified of the consequences.

TW! Screaming, physical attack and death:

The slamming of the bathroom door felt barely as loud as a pin dropping in his frenzied and clouded mind, the only thoughts that mattered in his head were the thoughts of the small cool gem in his pocket. He nearly rammed straight into the wall in his rush, crying out as frantic pounding on the splintery wood of the door echoed through the house, hysterical sobs racking his body.

"STEVEN!! STEVEN! OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW OR ELSE I'M GOING TO BREAK-" Amethyst's shriek hurled it's way through his ears, only for it to be cut off by his own frightened scream.

"AAHG- JUST- SHUT UP FOR A SECOND!!" He screeched, trying to block out the terrifying sounds of his family overlapping eachother in desperate questions, the banging on the door growing louder and more frenzied by the second. He practically rammed his head into the bathtub as he dived towards the water knobs, turning them as fast as he could, the sound of water bursting out the faucet mixing in with his own frantic breathes, desperately trying to get air into his lungs through his panic.

Another bang.










He growled deeply, taking his hand out of his pocket and putting his palms over his ears, desperately trying to block everything out. There was so much- so much screaming, so much pounding, so much- too much. It felt like there were thousands of people screaming at him at once with the music of terror blasting deep into his body and mind. He just needed to- needed-


He needed to focus! There was someone in his pocket, and that was what was important right now, not his own stress.

Breathing heavily, he flung open the bathroom cabinet, hastily scooping the diamond essences and practically flinging the blue, white, and yellow magical liquids into the water that was quickly filling the tub up, watching with pure desperation as the colors swirled below him.

"Please... Please- I-"


He shrieked, dropping White's bottle of essence onto the floor, crying out as it shattered into pieces.


Just like the gem in his pocket.

He felt the terrifying adrenaline and stabbing fear flood through him again, viciously plunging his hand into his pocket, the shattered gem tightly contained In his curled fist holding all meaning in his brain. He didn't care about the banging and screaming, he didn't care about the way his nails started drawing blood the deeper he clenched his fist, he didn't care about how the colorful water from the tub starting rising closer to the top.

He didn't care.

Steven needed to fix this. She couldn't be gone- there's no way. This was Jasper he was talking about, she was so strong and tough, there's no.. no way..

He was a monster, wasn't he?

Steven the kind hybrid, the one who brought love and peace to homeworld, the half Diamond who shied away from violence...

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