thank you!

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We're here again, again. Can you believe I just finished my third story? Because I can't. I always say WTC is my baby—because it was my first story—and WTW is personal—because it was basically my diary with how similar it was to my own experiences—but WTD was an achievement, a dream.

I faced many ups and downs with this story. While it garnered reads faster than my first two stories, it also made me doubt my writing. I didn't think I could live up to the expectations I laid out for myself with the first two. Because of that, it took me well over a year to write this one and even then, I took a massive break from posting.

But writing this story helped me work through many of my issues and insecurities. It made me look at some of the ugly parts of the world, the troubling stories that take place in many of our lives, even if we're quiet about it. I never want to take these issues lightly, and because of that, I was reluctant to write about them.

But I pushed through, hoping to add my own experiences into the mix. I'm not going to lie and say I had parents similar to Bailey's or went through what Sam did—because I didn't. But it's hard when parents sometimes pit children against the other parent or when they aren't adequate to be parents yet still choose to have kids.

This story was a bit more emotional than my other stories, which I didn't expect, but I'm more than happy with the outcome and hope you are too.

I want to thank each and every one of you who have taken the time to read, vote and/or comment on each chapter. Thank you to my silent readers. Thank you to those who were there from the beginning, who found my story part way through, and those who found it after I completed it. Thank you to those who supported me while I decided to take a break and still had faith in me and stuck around. Thank you!

Because without each of you, without your support and your love, I wouldn't have the motivation, the drive to continue doing this two years later. There were many weeks when I wanted to just stop, didn't want to write or edit anymore. I just wanted to go back to reading and not focus on plot holes or storylines. But you kept me from giving up. You made sure I came back.

So thank you!

As you're aware, there's still one more story in the UNC series, one that you guys have been asking and pleading for since I barely mentioned him in WTC. Well, you have manifested it because Carter's story is next. Our FMC is someone you met briefly in WTC, and she played a key role in WTW.

I'm going to be posting the first chapter next week on Fridays. I already started planning that story and already have a few chapters drafted.

I will be editing the beginning of WTD simply to replace the mention of Northwestern since I had changed the university's name. But I will be doing that very slowly, probably one chapter a week, following the update of Worth the Fight.

Thank you once again. This isn't the end for these characters; they will return in some way.

See you in Worth the Fight!


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