Entry 1

13 4 0

December 14, 2023

Day 1

       It's been a week since the war ended. I lost my home and my family. I'm the only one left in this city. I decided to leave in hopes to keep everyone safe from whatever might.

January 13, 2023

Day  30

       I finally made it. My new home. New family. New me. They promised to give us safe. They said we can get everything back. I entered and it felt so good to be safe for once. The people here are amazing! I even met a friend, Lila. She's really nice and caring. Nothing can ruin this moment.

January 16, 2023

Day 33

      It was all a lie! Everything! From the people to the city! Run! Run! Run! Before it's too late!

March 24, 2023

Day 100

      I'm been on the run for too long. 67 days to be exact, but they found me. I have no where to go; I'm trapped here in this forest. If you're reading this, then don't listen to anyone and never trust anyone or it will be your downfall. Don't go to the camp. The person in charge is waiting for y...

5 Years Later

August 12, 2028

        Today is the first day of sophomore year! This year I'm going to be invincible! Hopefully, I get to make some new friends! I can't wait!

"Alanna! You're going to be late!"

"Coming mother!" I shouted back. 

I quickly packed my book bag and headed downstairs. When I came down, I saw my  little sister, Irene, already eating breakfast. I hung my bag on the dining chair, and I grabbed a plate and started to fill it.

"So, are you ready for this year?" My mother asked, setting her cup of coffee on the table.

"Yeah! I'm so excited!" Irene said, jumping in her sit.

My mother and I laughed. "I'm excited, too. But I wish dad was here."

"I know how hard it is, but if he was here he would be so proud of both of you," mom said. "Hurry up the bus will be here any minute now."

Irene and I quickly ate the rest of our food, then we quickly got ready and headed out the door.

"Bye," we said in unison.

"Bye! Have fun!" Mom shouted.

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