Entry 2

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February 23, 2023

Day 71

I'm been running for 38 days. I think I found a place to hide. I have to tell you something; you must promise not to tell anyone. Got it? Everything said is a lie. Nothing they say is they truth. If you encounter them, then you must hide or run. Never get caught.

After 15 minutes, we finally reached the school. The school used to be a hospital, but got turned into a school after the war. The walls were a grey color, and each room still smelled like rubbing alcohol.

Before you could enter, everyone must wear a mask and a suit because of the left over radiation from the war. I still didn't understand how there is still radiation when the war ended over 100 years ago, but no one never questioned it since we all of been doing this for forever.

I finally made it into the school. I quickly find my home room and saw my best friend, Quin. Quin and I have been free since the day we were born. We both were born in the same hospital and we had been neighbors for six years before moved to a new city. But, that wasn't the end of our friendship because threes years after she left my family moved to the same city as she did.

"Ready for freshman year?" Quin asked, walking towards me.

"Definitely," I replied. "So, what classes do you have?"

We continued to talk until we had to go to our first class.

"Well, I'll see you at lunch," I said, walking to my first class.


It was finally lunch and I can't wait to see Quin again. Yes, I know it has only been about two to three hours since we talked, but that is a long time.

"Hey, Alanna," Quin shouted from a table in the back.

"Hi," I said sitting down. I looked around the table to see two other people. A boy with messy brown hair with green eyes, and a girl with long, curly black hair with the dark brown eyes.

"This is Nolan and Zoya," Quin said, gesturing to them.

"Hello," Nolan and Zoya said in unison.

"We all have the same schedule minus two. Anyways, Nolan was the one that moved but came back, and Zoya was homeschooled-"

Quin kept talking about how amazing Nolan and Zoya were that I almost felt left out, but I quickly removed the thought and continued to listen on the conversation. The bell finally and I was the first to leave the table.

"I probably should get to my next class. I'll see you guys later," I said, grabbing my tray and walking away.

"Okay, see you later," they said.

I quickly scraped my tray and went to my locker before arriving at my last class: music. I've always loved music since I was little. Before my dad died, we would sing and play the piano together, but after his death I lost the confidence and passion to sing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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