Part 3 - 'You need a man'

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When Tanya finally sat down with her friends she quickly let the image of the hot guy leave her mind so that she could finally get to hang out with her friends.

'I can't believe that we haven't seen each other all week' Sasha said to the girls.

'It's getting ridiculous how busy we are all getting'

Vicky quickly replied with 'I know right and I know it's good that we do enjoy our jobs, but I feel like I live in the hospital now and you two are always at the office.' Vicky was a doctor and Sasha was a fashion editor. It was amazing how their tastes where so different yet the girls couldn't survive without each other.

'I know right!' Tanya replied, 'and my mother isn't afraid to remind me that my job is taking me away from getting a man'

'Your mother is definitely right' Sasha exclaimed, 'you need a man and you need sex. You have been without both for a freakishly long time'. Tanya just rolled her eyes at her friend while Vicky was looking around the diner hopping no one heard Sasha's voice. The girl just did not understand how much her voice travelled.

'If you just get me Jason Mamoa, I will have all the sex you want me to get. Willingly' Tasha replied with a laugh. That man was just too beautiful for words.

Vicky shook her head and said ' I just don't get his appeal, and you know I like tall guys but he's just too manly for me'. Vicky's taste had always been on the leaner type, with a boyish face.

'That's just more for me then' Tanya said with a smile, 'I definitely wouldn't mind a guy who could pick me up and be all dark a mysterious, so go find me a guy like that'. As she said that her mind went back to Mr. Cocky in the booth. The image of them in her bed, with his lips on her neck surfaced and she quickly blinked it way. There was no need for that and definitely not with him.

The girls proceeded to talk about Vicky's upcoming engagement party that the girls were planning. Vicky's fiancé was also a doctor who worked at her hospital and they had the kind of love story that people dreamed of yet every few people actually found.

'Steve has been so annoying with the planning though because he isn't getting involved' complained Vicky

Tanya replied with 'Do you actually want him to get involved because we all know that you like things a certain way and if he was to get this wrong, I feel like you might kill him before the wedding. If he's happy to come to the engagement party and to the wedding, then you are doing something right.'

'I'm being annoying aren't I?' Vicky stated and Sasha came out with a quick 'Hell Yes!!'

The girls laughed and quickly ordered their food. One thing Tasha loved about her friends is how much they did not obsess over calories and fat. Tasha ordered a burger and the girls ordered Paninis. Life was definitely too short to worry constantly about what food not to eat.

'That reminds me we need to pick a chef to cater the party and I heard of this great one who works at Valentino's. He's a bit pricey, but apparently worth it' Sasha said. 'I'm meeting him on Monday'

'Yup, that great and luckily the guest list is only 25, so it's less of a struggle. I still can't believe it's a month away. I can't wait!' Vicky exclaimed. Tanya was just happy knowing that everything was going to plan for her friend but a part of her yearned for that opportunity too.


A few tables away, the guys were just getting to up to leave and Ethan could not stop his eyes from looking for the Beauty who completely froze him out. He saw her chatting with two other woman, and he hated the relief he felt knowing that she wasn't talking to another man. The sudden rush of possessiveness shocked him and he did everything in his power to not keep staring at her like a man who hadn't seem a woman in years.

Maybe it was a good thing that they never spoke because Ethan had a feeling that the feelings would only get worse after getting to actually know her. Damn his sex drive!

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