Part 4 - Not you again

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After the lunch with girls on Saturday, Tanya welcomed her Sunday afternoon gladly. The engagement party plans had been sorted after a 3 hour discussion and by the time she got home she just wanted to stay in bed watching movies.

On Sunday she went to church, she did try when she could, and then spent her afternoon planning for her pitch for a new contract on Monday. Tanya had realised that even when she could be out meeting people she ended up just staying at home.

'You are definitely wasting your youth' she thought to herself.

It also didn't help that she had a pretty steamy dream about Mr. Cocky the night before, only to wake up all hot and bothered from a sex dream with a person she hadn't even spoken to. Her life was getting sad.

In her imagination he had this deep voice and when really turned on, boy could he growl. Tanya had quickly realised when she had her first serious boyfriend at 19 that she didn't want soft and sweet sex all the time. She wanted a man who could take charge in the bedroom, but unfortunately she seemed to attract the kind of guys who looked at her with puppy dog eyes and couldn't handle her in bed. That's one thing that had put her off dating for the past 2 years because she just couldn't find a guy who kept thing exciting inside and outside the bedroom.

 Monday morning quickly came and Tanya woke up a second after her alarm went off, quickly showered, and for some reason felt like putting a little more effort in her outfit. She chose a dark red smart dress with a pair of black heels. She put her hair in a bun to stop it from getting in her way during the day and with plenty of time to spare grabbed her bag, a cereal bar, and a bottle of water.

Arriving at the marketing company she worked for, Tanya felt a sense of pride for all she had accomplished. Her company was in the top 10 in the country and she had worked her butt off to get to the position of Junior Manager in the 2 years she had worked for them. Greeting people as she walked past, when mentally started preparing herself for the day.

Tanya's day was so hectic that she didn't see the text from Sasha asking her to meet the chef for the catering job for Vicky's engagement party until 4pm and the meeting was at 5:30pm. Making sure she took everything she needed to work on that evening, Tanya made it out of the building at 5pm. Having never eaten at Valentino's before, Tanya was shocked at how long the waiting line was when she arrived at the restaurant.

'Clearly the chef is good if people are willing to put themselves through this' Tasha though to herself.

Making it to the concierge, Tanya gave the young lady Sasha's name and was quickly taken to the kitchen. She had always wondered what went on behind the doors of a restaurant kitchen and the hustle and bustle when they got there made here grateful she never chose that career path.

'Chef Ethan is just over there. I will get him for you' stated the waitress who showed her the way.

Tanya watch the young lady walk up to a man who had the broadest back she had ever laid eyes on. He's presence seemed to dominate the vast kitchen and the way he has cooking four things at once made him look very impressive. Especially since each pot was three times the size of Tanya's head.

The large body started to turn around as the waitress spoke to him and the shock of awareness that hit Tanya when a pair of bright blue eyes met with her brown ones, nearly made her legs buckle. All the dirty thoughts about Mr. Cocky came crushing at full force and in the moment, Tanya was grateful for her dark skin.

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