Chapter Three

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Lord Provided For Thou
i wrote this when i was still 15, and i learned recently i do not like the main character. so after this chapter, she's gunna be written slightly differently and hopefully i'll like her more.

"Do you need to breathe?"

The dark room was lit with a candle, the sounds around her didn't make sense, everything muffled, her lungs filling with liquid.

Philip Blake. The Governor. He held her dark mangled hair in his fist as Father Coolie loudly read words from his bible. She gagged, snot and tears rolling down her face as she was bound by her hands. Unable to move, she couldn't get herself to speak as The Governor assumed she was fine. Dunking her head in the salty, contaminated holy water.

Father Coolie's church was no religious post for serving the lord. Cecilia grew up in church. And this was no church.

She was used for Phillips fun and experimenting.

2 months, 13 days ago...
She sputtered awake. Holding her hair as sweat rolled down her forehead. The woman Maggie stood by her cell door this time. Usually it was Rick, or Daryl. Daryl would threaten her if she made another noise in the night. But Maggie never talked to her before.

"Did he hurt you?" Maggie spoke quietly. It was not even morning, it was late night.

Cecilia sat appalled. Drying tears on her face as she couldn't get herself to respond. Her tongue tied in her mouth.

Maggie waited, though. She waited for Cece's answer.

"... Yeah." She sniffled. Wiping her nose on her white long sleeve button up.
"He hurt me too." Maggie shrugged, looking at her hands. "I'll help you kill him, Cecilia. He deserves to die. You can tell me what he did. I would never judge." She walked in. Cecilia watched her every move yet didn't speak.

"Why do you want to know." Cecilia questioned. Her hair laid in her eyes as Maggie sat at the foot of bed. She thought for a moment before answering.
"Because I think I should know why you are this way." She looked unapologetically at Cecilia. Like her words wouldn't have came off as insensitive.

"Rick doesn't understand, Daryl doesn't. No one does. It's not fair that they... choose to hate you so much. You're not the enemy. But I want to know what happened to understand you, to convince them."

Cecilia looked at her hands. Turning them over and staring at the callouses formed from farming with Rick. She sighed heavily. Wiping the tears from her eyes as she stared at Maggie. She wasn't being genuine... she wasn't wanting the truth. She was forced to come here, to sit at Cecilia's door in the late night.

"One more, just another night. My love."

"You want the truth?" Cecilia asked quietly. Hunched over in a terrible posture. She sniffled, her hands trembled.

"...Yes." Maggie nods. An almost unbothered tone to her. "It would be helpful."

Cecilia wasn't dumb. In the month she'd lived at the Prison she's studied the main counsel. She wasn't some spy, or secret agent. She just took in the obvious. And the night Rick walked to Carol was when she knew this wasn't real. This was just a test to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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