Ch3• Grounders

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Murphy could see Bellamy from afar, he stood shirtless near the campfire. Murphy could see the older man flexing to impress the ladies that surrounded him. As Murphy watched him he began to feel slightly self-conscious regarding his own skin. He was scarred to the bone for his back had been nothing but a canvas for his abusive mother.

Grabbing a gun, Murphy's head was still in the clouds and he was barely paying any attention to his surroundings until a strong hand gripped his shoulder and spun him around, catching Murphy's attention at last.

"I said, where do you think you're going?" Bellamy repeated his question once again, still awaiting an answer. He was growing impatient.

"For a walk." Murphy spits back, venom swimming in his saliva.

"Like hell you are. There are grounders out there who speared Jasper for crossing their boundary and he was unarmed. What do you think they'll do to you if they catch you on their territory with a machine gun?"

With a smirk, Murphy looked him up and down and walked closer, puffing his chest as he inhaled a large radiation soaked breath. "Whatever the hell we want, right?" He turned around and walked away leaving Bellamy shocked and at a lost for words. That witty little bastard, why must he be such a smart ass at every given opportunity?

Bellamy rolled his eyes and immediately knew he would regret this, yet, his body somehow forced him to join Murphy outside the wall. A few moments later, his breath was shaky as he ran up behind Murphy, catching up to him momentarily, a gun clutched in between his fingers.

"Murphy!" Bellamy's voice was deep and his tone serious with an undertone of leadership that drove Murphy to a halt. With that, he turned around and smiled at the older boy that was now by his side. He had a look in his eyes that made Murphy wild, he was dominating him with nothing by his eyes, no one had ever beaten John Murphy.

They walked for a while, Murphy leading them nowhere in particular. He heard Finn talk about a luminescent forest that illuminates a variety of saturated colors at night. The forest came alive and Murphy, though he would never admit it, dreamed of seeing Earth in all its colors.

The two boys walked several miles for what felt like hours until Bellamy's rhythm was interrupted by Murphy's skinny arm in front of him. "What the-"


Bellamy turned his head towards Murphy and looked at him, confused. Murphy was shaking his head, turning as he observed his every surroundings. It happened so fast, the bush was rustling and a bullet was fired from the barrel of Murphy's gun.

"Murphy!" Bellamy shouted but stopped when he heard a small cry of pain coming from the bushes. Moments later, a grounder limped out, holding pressure to try and stop the bleeding of a bullet wound on his leg. Bellamy swears he saw a grin appear on Murphy's plumped lips with a hint of pride when he saw his work of art suffering.

Murphy walked over to him and grabbed his arm, pulling him up violently to his feet. The grounder was putting all of his weight on his right leg, the one which lacked a bullet hole. It all happened so quickly, the boy's reflexes were damn right impressive. A few moments later he held a knife to the grounder's throat, pinning both of his arms against his back.

"Come out wherever you are!"

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Come on, Bellamy, you really think he came out here alone? Please."

Bellamy rolled his eyes, he should have expected this kind of violent behavior from a delinquent, sometimes he forgot that he was surrounded by a bunch of so-called criminals.  In the eyes of Bellamy, all they had ever done was live their life to the fullest by breaking the law, something he was very familiar with. After all, having a sister was against the law. However, he didn't have to be stuck with the real criminal among them. Bellamy knew all about Murphy, everyone did for the rumors of his arrest had circulated the ship within twenty-four hours of his arrest.

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