Ch11• A Raging War

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Murphy could feel the blood pumping through his veins, his heart beating loudly within his body. He was treasuring the moment in which he was alone, away from these people who would stick and poke him at least every hour, continually demanding more and more. They took his blood, they pumped him full of drugs, and they took - no, they stole - his bone marrow. The next time they try anything, Murphy was convinced he would fight them off this time, that he would win and make a great escape. Yet every moment they barged in, Murphy remained motionless and watched them drill deep inside his bones to retrieve what seemed so meaningless until you're tied down and forced to feel every damn second of it.

The pain drove him mad to the point of delusion. He started to see Bellamy standing at his feet, watching him motionless. A part of him believed he was real, that he would swoop in and save him like a damsel in distress. However, that was never the case. He remained alone and beaten, a slave to these monsters who destroyed a part of him every time they appeared.

Meanwhile, Bellamy was exploring his surroundings. He needed to remain focused and calm to think of a successful plan. His mind was racing, and he couldn't think straight. What was he supposed to do? That's when the radio attached to his belt started to speak, informing him of what these people were planning to do.

"Cage, we got the kid from space ready for extraction; where do you want him?"

"Take him down to the basement and lock him in with the others. He's too weak to continue. We'll drain him and get the others."

That must be Murphy. But what the hell did they mean by extraction? One thing Bellamy knew for sure was that momentarily, they would be bringing Murphy down into one of these cages; only then would he be able to rescue him. Bellamy made his way to the back of the underground and kneeled, hiding until he heard footsteps. He peeked his head out and saw two guards dragging a limp body to one of the empty cages, throwing him into it and locking it. They made their way out with laughter in their voice. Bellamy waited till they were further away before crawling to the cage and looked to see the familiar body of the boy that fascinated him.

He extended his arm to the lock, ravaging through the ring of keys that were attached to his belt until he found the one that unlocked the cage. Opening the door slowly, he tapped Murphy's arm to wake him. That's when he noticed the marks on his body; there were scars he'd seen before, but now, several wounds that still bled were all over his arms and legs. Murphy's blue eyes darted open, and he jumped out of fear.

"Bellamy?" He called out, weakly.

"Yeah, it's me. Come on, let's get out of here."

"You don't know how happy I am to see you." His voice was quiet, but Bellamy didn't seem to mind. He was just happy that Murphy was alive.

"We don't have much time; we gotta go now." Murphy crawled out of his cage but struggled to stand; he was weak from all of the abuse he'd suffered over the last couple of days. Bellamy was helping him up before giving in and carrying Murphy in his arms. He looked around for an exit, locking eyes with a red sign illuminating EXIT.

When they opened the door, they found themselves in a tunnel. Thinking nothing of it, they proceeded forward until they heard roars and groans from behind them. Confused, the two boys stopped and turned back. Shadows were approaching and Murphy could smell the burning fire that was arriving.

"We gotta go, Bellamy. NOW!"

Bellamy increased his speed and they made their way down the tunnel until they reached the end; an opening where water was flowing down to a river. They were at least fifty feet high up when Murphy jumped from Bellamy's arms to look down.

"Murphy, what do we do now?"

These vicious creatures were getting closer, leaving the boys with only one option. "We jump."

"But we can't swim."

As he uttered his words, three men with disfigured faces and piercings violently turned the corner and stared at them. They held weapons, large swords that would annihilate them in seconds.

Murphy grabbed Bellamy's hand and urged him forward. "Together."

"Together." Within seconds they both jumped, crashing down below in the rapid waves of the river. The water was cold, like clear ice on a winter morning. Bellamy tried to hold on to Murphy's hand but the current was too strong and they broke apart. Desperately, Bellamy tried to control the water with his arms while keeping his head above water.

Murphy, however, was too weak. He felt himself sink to the bottom and unable to breathe. It felt like his lungs were collapsing and soon, everything went dark. He found himself walkiing around  in the dark, floating through the air like a ghost. As Murphy was reaching a bright door, he was pulled back to reality by Bellamy's strong grip that pulled him onto the shore by the water. When he opened his eyes, he thought he would wake up in that white room and that everything - his great escape wiht his knight in shining armor - was just a dreamed. Instead, he met Bellamy's bright eyes and he leaped to his side, Bellamy helping Murphy up.

"I thought I was dead." Murphy stated, still flabergasted by this experience.

"Let's get you back to camp."

Bellamy noticed Murphy's smooth skin that was marked with his history. One day he was determined to know his story, he wanted to know the boy. Seeing the bloody bandages that were now soaked, Bellamy grabbed Murphy in his arms and carried him back. When they made it back to camp, everyone was shocked at their story. That's when they realized they had more than one enemy to fight. How the hell were they going to make it?

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