Chapter: 2

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That night me and my sister found a hotel in Castelia City to stay in that night. Since it was already late and we didn't wanna travel in the dark to our new house. To many scary pokemon come out lurking during the night and try to take your soul. I shudder at the thought, when I was younger I never listened to my parents about staying out to late, I remember it like it was just yesterday. I was in the forest playing with one of my parents pokemon late that night till we came across the mimikyu, I've heard aweful things about them before, how if you look it in the eyes it'll steal your soul. I was young but I remember my parents telling me that. Their pokemon, cherubi, I tried to tell it to look away but it was too late. My thoughts disappeared when I heard my sister called my name. "(Y/n), dinners ready!" Even though I'm the oldest, I still can't cook anything without nearly burning the house down, I sighed. My sister can cook excellent though. She walked over to me and handed me my plate, I was sitting on the bed since that's all that are in these hotel rooms. I grabbed the plate from her and started to eat. After I finished eating, I changed into my night clothes and brushed my teeth. I walked out of the bathroom and started to lay down. My mind was all over the place, i couldn't sleep. I was so excited about tomorrow. After we move into our apartment, I'm gonna start my adventure here in Unova! I can't wait! I peeked over at my pokegear and saw it lit up. I remember the first time I went to Johto and got it. I kept it since then so I can keep contact with my mother. 12 missed calls and 32 messages from mom it said. "Shoot" I said under my breath, I forgot to let her know we made it! I unlocked it and hit the call button. It was ringing for a few then she answered. "(Y/n) dear are you okay? Did you make it there safe? You and your sister aren't hurt are y'all?" I laughed a little bit at her worriedness. "Yes mother we're fine, not a single scratch on us." I heard her take a deep breath over the call, "That's good, I'm glad y'all are safe." "Yep, we also made it to Unova perfectly fine." I assured her. "That's good honey, have you made any new friends yet?" She questioned. "Well, kinda, not sure friend is the name but we met this girl named Georgia on the boat before we left off of it and then we parted ways." "That's good honey, hopefully you will make lots of friends in Unova like you did in the other regions." "Yeah I hope so." it was silent for a few moments. " Well, I think I need to go ahead and go to bed, it's already getting late over here." I told her. "Alrighty then I'll let you go so you can get some rest, good night! Let me know when you leave and start for your adventure! Love ya!" She said, "I will mom, love you too! Good night!" I said, ending the call. I set my pokegear back on my nightstand and drifted off to sleep.

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