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We get in the house and there is Patrick sitting on the sofa like he is waiting someone "Hallo Leute" He says when looks at us "Hallo, we are back" Paul responds "How was seeing them practice? (Y/N), right?" Patrick asks me "Good! Y-yeah, it was awesome!" I answer
"I'm glad you liked it, and I have something to propose to you" He stands up
"O-okay, what is it?
He gets closer to me "Some day, we will have dinner or something and then you have to tell me all about you. You have to understand that there are some things that I need to know before letting you to get involved on Rammstein things..."
"Y-yes... Sure..."
"Okay then, you can go, you guys too, I just wanted to say this, I'll see you tomorrow" He walks out the door.

Richard's POV:
"And now my manager... What's next?"

Back to (Y/N):
"Okay... That was weird..." I am about to cross the hall to my room when Flake stops me and whispers "Hey, I just wanted to apologize about the beggining of all... I don't know what I have with Americans... I just..." He says with a little guilty face "Don't worry Flake, I don't like Americans eather" We chuckle "Okay, I just wanted to let you know that I like you, you seem a really nice person..."
"T-thank you... You are nice too..." Then Richard see's us "What are you talking about guys?" "Nothing, I think I'm gonna go to sleep" I affirm "Without having dinner?" Till asks from the distance, "I'm making pancakes" He continues "Well..." My stomach began to make noises "Come on! You are starving! Come have dinner with us, this time we are only the 6 of us and you in our house, you don't have to worry about anything" Richard allegues and before I could answer he grabbs my wrist gently and takes me to the sit next to him.

"Well, Till, do you need help with that?" I ask "No thanks, they are already, next time we can cook something together"
"Yeah! It would be nice"
Till starts to put really good looking pancakes in our plates and then takes a sit. "Guten Appetit" We all say and start eating, it was just delicious, I was kind of surprised at the fact that Till knows how to cook very well, his 'scary' looking and behaviour doesn't help too much for understand... But I liked it.
"Delicious! I liked it a lot Till! Next time I'll cook something for you all" I say "I'm waiting for that" Till responds "Ja, me too" Everyone continues and after a short time talking I stand up "Okay, it's getting late, I think I'm going to sleep"
"Ja, I'll follow you" Paul allegues and everyone looks at him, Richard with more exaggerated face "I'm saying that I'm going to sleep too, Jesus..." Paul clears up "Ohhhh" Everyone says and then we laugh "Okay, good night guys" I continue "Gute Nacht" Everyone responds.

I go to my room and realize that I still have my things in my hotel apartment, I start to panic a bit but then I decide to ask Paul, I go to his room and knock the door "Come in" I hear from inside, I did so and closed the door behind me "Oh, Hi (Y/N)! I thought you were about to sleep..."
"Yeah, I was about to... But I have to ask you a favor" I look down a little embarassed
"Okay, tell me"
"I have all my stuff in my hotel room and I can't change into nothing more than this and the clothe that I was wearing at the concert..."
He stays quiet for a short time and then smiled like he had something in mind but that I wouldn't like... "Okay! No problem, but I'm reeeeaaaaly tired... But Richard it's very awake... You can ask him!"
"Yeah! Ask him! He will say yes inmediatly"
"O-okay..." I just go to Richard's room and with a little too fast palpitation I was going to knock the door when he opened and I jumped scared "Oh my god Richard! You scared the shit out of me" I affirm not thinking of who I was talking to "I'm sorry, I was going to grab some water from the fridge... Anyways... Did you wanted something?"
"Oh... Hum... Yeah... I was going to ask you a favor... But..."
He smiled "Yeah! Ask me"
"O-okay, I just needed you to drive me to the hotel that I was planned to stay because I left my stuff there and I can't change into nothing more..."
"Ja! Sure! Kein problem! (No problem!)"

We go to the garage and get into Richard's car "You didn't wanted water from the fridge?"
"Well... I'm not thirsty anymore, lets go"
We arrive to the hotel and I see a lot of paparazzi at the entrance of the hotel
"I will go with you" Richard offers
"No, look, they don't know me so they are waiting for someone else, and I don't want to get you involved in shit for me..."
"Well, it's not a problem"
"They will think we... are a cuple..."
"So?" He thought "Oh... Okay... I'll wait here for you" he said

"Thanks" As I say this I get out of the car, pass through the paparazzis, enter the hotel and go to my room. When I got out with my stuff I saw Patrick at the hallway "Oh, Hi Patrick... It's for you that are all this people waiting?"
"Oh, hi (Y/N), yeah, I just wanted to stay the night here and one of those saw me, apparently he called his friends..."
I chuckled "Okay, good luck then, Richard it's waiting me on his car outside"
"Why are you here anyways?"
"I planned to spend my days in Germany here, but when I met the guys they just insisted me to stay in their house"
We chuckled "Okay then, I have your number, I'll text you to see what day and time it's good for you to have dinner, or lunch, or something, and then you can tell me about you, okay?"
"Y-yeah, sounds good"
"Okay then, don't make Richard wait"
"Okay, bye, good to see you"

"Bye" Then I go out, put my things in Richard's car trunk and sit in the front. "You got all your stuff and canceled your stay in the hotel?"
"Yeah, I did it, we can go now"
"Alright" The way back was quiet, I wanted to talk but didn't know about what so I kept looking through the window until Richard came out with something "Do... Do you wanna have dinner...? The two of us...? Someday...?"
"Do you mean...? Alone...?"
"Well if you don't want to..."
"No, it's alright... I'd like to..."
"Okay then..."
"Hm?" He looks at me worried
"I have to dinner with Patrick, tell him about myself and then he will accept me... Maybe..."
"Oh... Okay... No problem... It's true... I forgot..." He said looking back on the road. We arrived to the house, I grabbed my things and enter the house with Richard... It was awkward...
"Okay then, it's late, good night (Y/N)"
"Good night Richard..." I went to my room and Richard to his, I take a shower, change into my pijamas and go to sleep.


The next morning I wake up with the sound of knocking of my door, I tie my hair in a bun and open to see Paul standing outside "Gut morning (Y/N), did you sleep well?"
"Yeah, good morning, did you need anything?"
"Can I come in?"

I look at myself and realize that I was still In my pijamas "U-hummm... Can you give me a second...?"
"Ja, sure"

I change real quick in black jeans, an AC/DC tank top and put some boots on. I open the door again, let him in and close the door behind me. We sit in my bed. "So... What happened with Richard?" He asked with a smirk on his face.
"WTF OKAY, he asked me to have dinner with him some day but I said that first I have to dinner with Patrick, and you know why"
"Hummm... Yeah... I have something in mind" He stood up
"Ja! Come to take breakfast with us when you want" He leaves and close the door
"Wait! Wha-?"

(Unreal) Richard z Kruspe x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now