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I go to have breakfast and all of Rammstein said good morning to me, and Richard seemed normal! How was that possible?! Ah... He was drunk... Maybe he doesn't remember anything...

Richard's POV:
'Fuck... Act normal Reesh, maybe she doesn't know...'
Paul looks at me smiling
'Why does Paul...? No, you son of a bitch...'

(Y/N)'s POV:
Just when I sit, the doorbell rangs
"I'll get it" Says Paul
"No, don't worry, I just got here, I'll get it"
I go to the door thinking of the bodyguards, weren't they guarding...?

"Hi (Y/N)!"
"SCOTT! What are you doing here? How did you know were I... Ah... The news..."
"I came to see you, I think you are doing great"
"Yeah! Thanks for coming, but... The guards...?"
"I explained who I am and they let me pass"

"Ja? So who are you?" Richard comes from behind, a little... Jealous...?
"I'm sorry, I'm Scott, an old friend from (Y/N)"
Everyone comes after Richard
"And what are you doing here?" He asks
"He already said it Reesh, relax" I say
Richard looks stunned by my tone and just leaves to his room, I feel a bad but I have to greet Scott, I had a little crush on him when we were in highschool...
"So well, come in" Paul not too convinced
"Thank you"

Scott enters and starts looking around the house
"Well, is really going well to you, (Y/N)"
"Yea... But I prefer the company over the house" I smile to the group and they smile back. Scott notices and seems a bit angry, I didn't see it tho...
"(Y/N), could you bring me some water please? I didn't drank all day)
"Yea sure, I'll come back in a sec"
I leave to grab some water for Scott and he starts talking to all 5.

Paul's POV:
'What is going on between them...?'
"I just wanted to let you know guys..." Scott speaks "(Y/N) has a crush on me since highschool, I don't think she forgot about me, so stay away from her. I see all the looks and stuff"
'What the hell is he talking about...? Nah, Richard wouldn't let him'
Till whispers me "Can I punch him? I wanna punch him"
Till aproaches to Scott with a furious look and the fist closed but I stop him before (Y/N) comes again

(Y/N)'s POV:
"Okay, here you go Scott" I give him a class of water
"Thank you" he smiles and I blushed a bit

Everyones (Except Scott's) POV:
'What the hell...?'
'We have to do something about this...'

(Y/N)'s POV:
Everyone looks a little bit... Angry...? 'I don't understand anything...'
"W-... Well guys, uhmm... Scott, now that you are here, what do you want to do?"
"I want to go on a date with you"
"WHAT-?" Everyimone screams
"I mean, if you're up to" He smiles but everyone changes they're looks to crazy ones
"Well, uhm... I planned to stay here for a week, and now I only have 2 days left and I wanted to spend them... With them..."
All for a sudden everyone looks sad
"Oh... It's true..." Christoph says
"We didn't remember..." Oliver continues
"You have to spend them with us, we don't want you to go" Flake aleges
"Yea, you can't go with this... This..."
"Till, relax"
"Shut up Paul, anyways... Spend this last days with us, you are part of the family now"
"I would love to!..."
"...But she is going to be with me today and you can't do anything about it"

"What is going on here?" Richard comes from behind us
"She's only staying here for 2 more days" Christoph says
"And now she is going to spend the TWO with me"
Richard doesn't move for a moment but then approaches to me
"Do you want to be with him?" He asks really seriously
"I mean, I want to spend them with you all but..."

Paul's POV:
'Now Richard, you can do it!'
Richard looks down and waits for a moment...

"You can spend them with him" He just leaves again
*'The fuck...?'*
Everyone's mouth is wide open except of Scott's one
"Paul... What just happened? "Schneider asks me but I just follow Richard, enter his room and shut the door

*Speaking german*
Till comes in and shuts the door again
"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Till asks "Are you dumb!?"
"What would you want me to do? She wanted to be with him"
Suddenly the door opens...

"Guys!" Oliver says
"Oh, it's you" I speak
"Yes, Scott left with (Y/N)!"

(Y/N)'s POV:
I'm in Scott's car
"Uhmm... Scott, I don't think..."
"It's okay dear, we're going to a restaurant right now"
"Oh, but..."
He touches my thigh gently
"What is it?"
"Oh... Uhm... Nothing..." Suddenly Richard's face came into my mind and all the butterflies I was feeling by that left, I put away his hand a looked out the window remembering Richard telling me to leave with Scott and I'm about to cry when Scott starts the car.

I start to think all the way to the restaurant... *'It's true that I've had a crush on Scott since highschool... But I liked Richard... I loved Richard... Not because of the money or fame, I forget about that when I'm near him... And I'm realizing... I can't be without him... Something inside of me wants to see him, be with him, create memories with him... Also the group is very important to me, Paul is my best friend, Schneider someone I can tell anything, Oliver someone I can trust, Till someone I can let my life depending on, and Flake... If I need to stay with someone without saying a word, he will be always giving me a hand...
What did Scott to me? Actually... Break my heart a milion times...? Make fun of me...? Why do I even have a crush on him...? Why am I like this...?'*

We arrive to a fancy restaurant and Scott pulls over
"Here we are, let me help you get out"
"No need for that... Thank you"
I get out of the car a feeling down and walk to the restaurant with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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