Library Dates

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Seriously at this point, I had enough of staying in Draco's dorm without anything to do. He brought me every days homework and brought reference books from the library so I had no reason to complain but seriously I was tired of it.

So one morning I woke up before Draco and got ready before he woke up. Fully dressed, I sat in front of him till he woke up.

And his reaction was priceless.

"AHHHHH A GHOST, ADRIIII HELP.'' He screamed before running to the bathroom and locking himself in.

"IT'S ME YOU IDIOT." I said from outside the bathroom. I couldn't keep a straight face anymore and I burst out laughing at his idioticity.

"YOU SCARED ME." He said as he come out of the bathroom. "And why are you dressed..." 

"Why aren't you undressed? I said advancing up to him.

"Such a feisty one..." He said putting his hands on my hips and pulling me closer. "On hell nah Malfoy, not the time now." I said pushing him off so that he fell on the bed.

"But seriously though why are you dressed up?" He asked me now getting up from his bed and slowly pulling out his clothes from the closet. "I...I want to go to class today. It's been so long since I've been cooped up here, you know I am no chicken Malfoy." 

No answer.



"BITCH I DON'T BLEACH MY HAIR." He screamed back.  He didn't mean what he sad though. Sometimes, when he really wanted sex, he used to call me a bitch.

"Draco..." I said.

"Ok fine. I really just need to get rid of my tension. I am just scared something like that will happen again. I didn't want to initiate sex so early right after you just nearly know it." Draco said now sitting down with his head in his hands.

I sighed and sat down beside him. "Draco, you know I trust you a lot. I'm safe with you. I understand your concern but I just can't stay here anymore. Please? At least for one class?" I said gently stroking his hair. 

"Only if you agree to go on a library date with me." He said now standing up. 

"As you wish."


After dinner we raced with our books to the library, accidentally bumping into Blaise on the way. As soon as I saw him I gave him a rib cracking tight hug. Blaise smiled and gently patted me on my head. He was always, and will always be my brother. "Thank you so much Blaise." I said as I hugged him. "Come on Adri. Always." He said in his soft deep soothing voice.

After saying goodbye, me and Draco stayed quiet as we entered the library. Of course, Madam Pince looked upon us. She always did. She didn't trust us one bit and understandably so. Word had spread around the school about ''Mrs. Malfoy" and Astoria Greengrass wasn't really happy.

We found her spying on us from behind one of the aisles.


"Don't you have some other work to do?" Draco asked now pulling me to his side by my waist. She walked away. But not without giving me a look of jealousy I'll never forget.

We had to write a essay of 2 rolls of parchments. Yes. 2 ROLLS OF PARCHMENTS on Veelas. 

"Ugh so much writing." I said irritably.

"Nothing's too stressful with you around though." He said gently kissing on top of my forehead, making me blush just like that faithful day he asked me whether I loved him or not.

Chuckling softly, Draco pulled out a random book from the shelf. I just couldn't help myself from looking at his sharp jawline, those beautifuly veiny hands and-

"Ok, what shall we begin with?" Draco asked breaking me out of my trance.

"Oh I...Introduction I guess?" I said not trusting my words. I pulled out my eagle feather quill Harry has sent on my birthday.

As we were writing we check the book on how the veelas look like. "Goldene white hair flows out like a carpet even without air, Pale moon white skin and beautiful blue eyes that match the 7 oceans'' I read out. I looked at Draco. And looked at the description. 

That couldn't be...

Could it?

"It is true." Draco said while writing the piece down. He had read my mind. 

"Y-You're a Veela?" I asked wide eyed. 

"Well...kind of, my mom is a veela, my dad is a vampire." He said scratching out the spelling of Golden for the fifth time. 

"You know...I'm a half vampire." I said.

"Really? From whose side?" He asked, his curiosity peaked.

"My mom's." I said shortly trying to hold back the tears that threatened to fall from my eyes.

Draco hugged me tight. The smell of his cologne was strong, but it comforted me. I don't know what is was, but he really just made me feel better.

"There now, don't cry." I whispered into my hair, gently stroking it. 

"Thanks..." I said as he let go of me.

We worked in silence till we finished.

"Well, I did learn something today." He said slinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Which is?" I asked.

"Oh you'll see."

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