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I did it again!

A small sense of achievement erupted within me after I successfully removed the chip from Bolt's neck.

Grinning down at my hands with a teeth wide grin, I thought about how much more work I'd have to do in order to help the others.

This'll be a long fight, but with Bolt's speed maybe we can shorten it.

The sound of heavy chains snaking towards me pulled my attention away from the bloody chip I had in my hand.

Turning to look at the entrance of the parking garage, I saw the Division's wannabe Commander, Valda.

She dragged both of her 50 feet chains links behind her as she slowly walked towards me. She then stopped about 5 cars away from me, and stood still.

Ok maybe she does have a chip in her. Val seems calm just like how Bolt was, but if I think about it her face is naturally calm looking, even in chaotic situations.

I stood up off the ground and moved to stand before Bolt, protecting him from any harm that could bestow upon him.

Valda is a sneaky bitch so I've gotta stay on high alert. A plus she has that I don't is experience, she was in the same assassination community with my Dad.

So she has skills from before she got into the Division and learned more while in it. I've seen her fight, and she's a nasty monster when she gets blood on her hands.

"Your charade ends here, Medusa. You've ought to be ashamed of your actions in getting our comrades under the Professor's forceful control." Val said sounding like an old librarian.

That clarifies my confusion, she doesn't have a chip in her, if she did she wouldn't be able to speak.

"You'd suck the Professor's dick if it meant that you could live another day. Don't blame this on me, you all knew this day will come and it seems like everyone but you is loyal to me." I sassily said to defend myself.

Val scoffed before taking her right arm out of her black cloak. She had flame like lines tatted down her arm and her finger tips were tinted black.

Some people would definitely mistaken her for a witch. Her cloak, old accent, and dark aesthetic is  a dead give away that she could be one.

"Unit 1 will always be loyal to the Professor. We've stopped following after Commanders when we've realized that they all eventually die. The only person who hasn't died is the Professor."

I scoffed and slowly moved my left leg to get into my fighting stance, "We'll see about that. The Professor dies today."

Val opened her palm and threw a ball of fiery gas onto her chains. The fire ripped down one of her chain links, it glowed a bright orange as the metal became hot to the touch.

Her chains came alive and snaked up into the air surrounding her, then they abruptly stopped and charged towards me at full speed.

Val maybe an old head with lots of wisdom, but she sure does have lots of weaknesses.

Her chains aren't as strong as they used to be, they've grown old just like her. So they'll crumble as easily as she will.

I dodged the attack from the chains, and it went smashing into a car's windshield.

Val looked at me from my new position, resulting to her chains charging at me once again. Wherever she looks the chains followed.

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