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There's no way this guy is gonna get away with this! I want him dead!

The moment I saw my mom fall, I raced down 63 stories of steps to get over onto the battlefield.

I was winded, beyond tired, but I kept pushing forward, enraged at my mom's killer.

The second that Beast created an opening for me, I took it. This Death guy won't know what hit him.

"Hey you!"




I shot the three emergency bullets that Flight had given me. The bullets went straight towards his mask, cracking it in the process. But not a single one pierced him.

Impossible. how strong is that damn armor?

"Someone get that kid outta here!" I heard one of mom's friends yell.

Before I can even protest, large claws gripped onto my shoulders and I was being flown away.

I just got here! I haven't even done anything. "Let me go! Let me go! I have to help please!!" I cried out in tears.

He killed my mommy, I haven't even checked up on her.

The huge white bird that Flight controlled let out a ear deafening screech, communicating to Flight.

...please, I have to see if she's ok.


The loud metal noise that I heard earlier, pulled me out of my cries. Quickly I looked down and saw my mom fighting Death again.

But...wasn't she just dead? Did she even die?



My spear and Death's sword have once again stopped in middle air, damn it's like I won't ever catch a lick on him.

Pulling away I've gathered my energy and stared down my opponent, ready for this last battle.

Challenging him once again, I broke my spear, giving each of my hands a weapon and immediately charged towards Death.

Death lowered his sword, ready to block my predictable first move...ha, I'm switching things up this time.

Aiming up, I took advantage of his defenseless upper body and swung towards his head, wanting a clean cut across his face.

Death caught onto want I was doing and wasted no time in raising his sword to block my attack. 

My right spear clashed against his swords causing me to use my left spear. Using my left spear, I added pressure onto my end of the block, pushing our weapons towards his face.

The strength vested within me awoken at the strain I put myself. As my body powered up, I fiercely stared up at Death as his sword gradually neared his head.

This is my fight, and I will fucking end this shit once and for all.

This guy's stupid armor and entire being, infuriated me. I hated how he lacked the ability to gain control of himself, I hated how he let the professor win over his body and mind, and I for sure hate how incredibly powerful he is.

"Aghhhh!" I yelled out as I forced more of my power onto my shortened spears, giving them a bright white cast.

I inched closer and closer to Death's face, increasing his likeliness to die, a smirk crawled across my face as I could see the end to this guy's life.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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