The Beginning

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Erin nonchalantly walked into her kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee. She preferred drinking coffee at her house rather than at work, simply due to the taste. Erin took her time before grabbing her jacket off the coat hanger aside from the door. She was well aware her shift started in five minutes, but that hurried her in no way imaginable. Voight wouldn't care if she was a couple minutes late because she almost always was on time, and besides, she was his favorite.

She walked through the doors and heard the words, "You're late, that's rare," coming from Sergeant Platt right away. Erin smirked in return, hinting that she had no time to talk because, as Platt had said, she was late. She buzzed in, went through the gate, and headed up stairs.

"Morning, Erin," Adam said as he sat down. She returned with a, "Hey Adam," and she soon found herself saying it to everyone as she walked by. She dumped her stuff on her desk, and then realized there was a new face coming from the desk across from her.

As she was about to say something, she was interrupted.

"Erin," beamed Hank's voice as he called her into his office, "shut the door."

Erin followed Hank into his office and shut the door. She sat in the chair and looked at him, obviously confused.

Hank started, "There's been some reassigning and I had to bring up a new guy, Jay Halstead. That means we're even numbers now, so you two are going to be partners," Hank paused, and then started up again, "I just need to know I can trust you -"

Erin interrupted, "Trust me? Meaning what?"

"You know that I don't allow relationships in this unit. " Hank quickly responded.

"So just because my new partner is a male, that I'm going to want to have a relationship with this guy?" Erin said in a tone that Hank had heard many times before when she was unhappy.

"I'm just saying. I've told you once, and I don't want to have to tell you again in the future." Hank sternly said.

"You won't have to," Erin said as she nodded, and walked out the door. Just as she had shut it behind her, the new guy had risen from his desk.

"Jay Halstead," he said as he stuck out his hand and smiled.

Erin turned and reached out her hand in return, "Erin Lindsay."

As their hands met, both of them looked into each other's eyes for the very first time. Erin smiled, which made Jay's smile even brighter.
Their hands separated when Erin started moving towards her desk, but her eyes never left his.

Voight stared at them as they interacted, and quickly interrupted, "Alright, everyone listen up," as he talked, he pulled out the board in front of everyone like usual, "We need this guy bad. Wanted for burglary and murder last week. Lindsay and Halstead, you two go check out where he crashes at night. Ruzek and Al, you two check security cameras trying to locate any vehicles that may be under this guy's name. Kevin and Antonio, talk to neighbors, family members, anyone that can link something to this guy."

Everyone nodded, and started approaching the back door for their cars.

Jay reached his hand out for the keys from Erin.

"Woah there Halstead, I drive," she chuckled while she said it.

Jay laughed, and walked around the passenger side. Before getting in, they both looked at each other and laughed.

"Erin," Voight said just before they both got in, "remember what I said."

She looked at Jay and then walked over to Hank, "You raised me well enough to know what I should and shouldn't do. If you really think I'd put my job on the line and break one of your rules to have a relationship with this kid, then you really don't know me like you thought you did," Erin said as she tried not to let Jay hear. She looked at Voight dead in the eye as she said it, and then walked back into the car and closed the door.

Voight stood with his hands in his pockets, and then hopped in his car and followed the pack.

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