Getting Closer

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Jay and Erin started driving.

"Lemme ask you something," Jay started, "Voight. What's his story? I've heard a lot about him when I was in my other unit. Always heard he went by his own rules."

"We're a specialized unit. We do what we want to clean up the dirt on the streets. Breaking the rules or not, we get the job done." Erin said.

"So that confirms the unit question, but what about Voight? Seems like a hard ass." Jay said, looking at Erin as he said it.

Erin smirked, "You know you gotta lot of balls to talk shit about Voight on your first day."

Jay returned a smile, "Well it seems like you two are pretty close. You're pretty quick to defend him and you just yelled at him before getting in the car. Anything I should know?"

Erin laughed and nodded, yet nothing came out of her mouth.

"You gonna tell me or not?" Jay impatiently asked.

"Maybe after shift, its a longer story than you think," Erin finally responded.

Jay looked at her, seemingly surprised at her response. What could possibly be so long of a story that it couldn't be shared in the car?

Erin sensed it was still on his mind.

"So what's up with you?" Erin asked.

Jay looked at her with a glare, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you come in here, first day in this unit. Right away you wanna know everything about everyone. Why not anything about yourself?" Erin asked.

"Because I already know everything about myself," Jay smirked.

Erin laughed and proudly said, "You're a smartass."

They exchanged glances and laughs until they pulled up to their site and approached the door.

"Ready?" Erin looked at Jay, with her gun in her hand.

"What, you want me to knock? What's wrong with your hands?" Jay smirked.

"No, that's not how we do things here, watch closely," Erin said, "CHICAGO PD!" As she busted down the door with her foot, and charged in with her gun in her hands. Jay watched her go in, confused as if that was legal or not, and then followed Erin.

"Clear." Erin yelled.

"All Clear." Jay returned.

After searching the house for any weapons, cash, people, or drugs, they found nothing. The two headed back for the car to drive back to the district.

"So, how much of that was legal?" Jay asked.

"Told you, we do what we want. Don't like breaking the rules? Intelligence isn't right for you." Erin quickly responded.

"Woah, hard ass. You sounded like Sergeant Voight for a second." Jay smirked.

Erin couldn't help but laugh. She liked his sense of humor. They seemed to be laughing all the way back to the district. When they got out of the car, Voight stood there, and immediately Erin stopped laughing. Erin could sense what he was thinking.

"We searched his house, nothing. Place was completely empty," Erin quickly said, trying to get Hank's mind off of Jay and her.

"You sure?" Hank questioned.

"Are you asking me if I did my job correctly?" Erin retorted, somewhat insulted.

"Usually we always find something in the purp's home. Maybe you would've found something if you two weren't so busy laughing it up when you're supposed to be serious. " Voight sternly said, indicating that he wasn't messing around.

Jay stood motionless, waiting for Erin to respond to Voight.

She couldn't believe Voight had called her out like that. She shook her head in awe and said, "Unbelievable," and walked away.

Hank still stood there, watching her turn her back and head upstairs. Just as Jay started to go, "Halstead" came out of Hank's mouth, and he motioned Jay to move towards him.

Jay hesitated when Voight said his name, and then did what he was told and walked toward him.

"I don't allow for relationships in this unit," Voight sternly said, "and it is especially forbidden with Erin."

"I'm not looking for a relationship, Sergeant," Jay calmly responded.

"If I catch you doing anything with Erin other than work, I will transfer you. No arguments." Voight said.

"Yes sir," said Jay as he stuck out his hand to Voight.

Voight, making himself clear, didn't return the handshake and responded with a "mhm".

Jay, still looking at him, put his hand back in his pocket and walked towards the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2015 ⏰

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