IronMan 2

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"I can't believe you're giving me a suit" Talia examined the small case that contained a suit in excitement and joy that her brother made in his lab, and now was getting ready for the Stark Expo that was happening in an hour.

"Well, what are you waiting for put it on" Tony gave a small smile down at her and she smiled back.

Putting it on just like her brother showed her, each piece fitting perfectly on her body.

"No, No, No I can not allow that Tony!" Pepper entered the lab, both siblings stared at each other before looking at Pepper.

"Pepper she can explain" Tony pointed at his younger sister.

"That's a lie because he made it for me" Talia quickly rejected walking up to Pepper with an innocent smile.

"I believe you now take it off and get ready we're leaving to get seats at the Expo" Pepper commanded her.

"Yes Miss Potts" Talia saluted at Pepper walking to the other side of the room but Tony grabbed her upper arm.

"She's coming with me to the Expo, I think it's time" Tony explained looking at Pepper.
Talia smiled to herself in joy.

It was about time the world found out about another Stark, her parents decided it was best to keep Talia very well hidden from the public to protect her because being a Stark does come a long line of kidnapping, secrets and many more dangerous things that came along but also the other reason was because she was the first female Stark in this century that indeed was smart as her father and brother maybe more.

Her father did call her special once and gave a pat on her little shoulder, giving a small proud smile. To admit Tony was a little jealous when he witnessed that.

Pepper looked shocked, turning to Talia who was also surprised by what Tony had said.

"Are you sure?" Pepper looked between the two, and Talia nodded.

"I'm sure," Tony said, smiling at his younger sister.

"How's the suit?" She then asked.
"Very well malfunctioned, No weaponized system in it" Tony continued, in his suit

"Great to know, don't be late you two" she glared at the siblings, then smiled at Talia before leaving the lab.

Talia squealed in excitement and clapped her hands together making a tin sound.
"It's gonna be an epic entrance Brother"
Tony nodded, letting go of his sister's arm.

"Come on let's go stall to the plane" he chuckled walking to the back door that led outside. She ran to catch up to him.

She knew how to operate the suit so it wasn't an issue to fly, Tony made her one before but this one was new so it had new features to it. Tony then set a GPS to her screen and took off with Talia trailing behind him.

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