Chapter 4

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Conrad rolled over and flung out his arm, the warm covers slipped off his body and left him shivering. His hand whacked the nightstand and he barely managed to catch the digital clock as it fell.

When he opened his eyes the light blinded him and a small headache wormed its way beneath his temples. He attempted to shake the arm that had fallen asleep, but instead of feeling rushing back in, it flopped like a noodle and smacked his face.

He groaned and ran his non-numb arm over his jaw, feeling the stubble that lay there. Slowly, and with a chilling cold he stumbled out of the embrace of the warm bed.

Conrad studied the clock he'd almost smashed to pieces. He'd forgotten to set his alarm the night before and he overslept by oh, four hours. It was a good thing he hadn't anywhere to be, but he had wanted to go to the diner where Ella worked and get a coffee.

There was really no point now, seeing as it was well past both breakfast and lunch. He shook his head, no matter, he'd have to try one of those famous milkshakes Ella had been raving about.

He stripped off his boxers and got into the hot shower. Usually the warm water felt good on his skin, but today was different. It was uncomfortable and he wanted to get out as soon as possible.

He had time to think, and he thought about Ella, and how much he'd actually told her about what he was going through. She hadn't asked any questions and didn't seem to expect anything of him. He hadn't told her about Marie, all she knew was that he'd tried to kill himself.

It was a crude way of putting it, but nonetheless true.

Ella had listened to him tell of his feelings, but he hadn't shared the full story. He knew he was going to have to tell her sooner or later, but he'd rather wait it out.

Grabbing his wallet and sunglasses, he pulled a hand through his still wet and freshly cut hair. Conrad locked the door behind him and took the elevator down to the main floor of the apartment. Nodding to the doorman, he was out through the revolving doors and onto the demanding streets.

It took a mere ten minutes to walk the distance to the diner. When he finally reached the welcoming warmth of the place, he saw, for the first time the name of it.

How ironic that it would be called A Fresh Start Diner. He laughed awkwardly to himself, the name was certainly true for his situation. He assumed the 'Fresh Start' was supposed to symbolize the fresh start to your day where you sit down with your coffee and read the morning paper. But for him it was different altogether.

Ella was going to be his fresh start. She was going to be the one that set him back on a normal path and a new start to life.

A gruff looking man bumped into him and jolted him out of his reverie. "Watch it."

Conrad was taken aback, the man had bumped into him. Not the other way around. He heard himself muttering sorry anyway, and he grimaced at the sound of it.

When he finally walked through the door, the fresh scent of coffee and pumpkin pie met his nose. The crisp autumn air called for warm pie and he trudged up to the counter to buy some.

He frowned, he'd been hoping that Ella would be working, but he didn't see her behind the counter. Instead, a blond with a flirty smile and an overly made up face popped into his line of vision. "What can I get for you, cutie?"

Inwardly, Conrad grimaced, he didn't like when girls hit on him. When Marie was around she'd always make her presence known and the girls would reluctantly back off.

But she isn't around.

He shook his head and replied, "Some pumpkin pie and a vanilla milkshake."  

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