Chapter 6

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A/N: Please read! Re-written Marie's point of view!! Read it! Will explain why later, also, new chapter will come within the week. :) PS. Not edited whatsoever..

Conrad- Two years before

"Hi, cutie. What's your name?" A sultry voice tinkled in Conrad's ears.

He turned to find a beautiful girl, slightly taller than him, with blonde hair and bright green eyes like the grass on a summer day. She wore a low cut shirt that displayed a generous chest and a very short and tight black skirt.

Conrad smiled at her, he didn't usually pick up girls of this caliber. But this one had approached him, so he took the chance. "Conrad. And you?"

She purred, the name 'Marie' slipping through her full lips. "Let's get out of here."

She gestured around her to the crowded bar full of drunken men and slutty women.

Conrad nodded and she laced her arm through his, walking a little closer than the normal comfortable distance. Conrad noticed the beer still in his hand, and he took one final swig, tossing the now empty bottle in a nearby trash can.

She led him down the dark road, confident on her high heels and in her abilities. He followed blindly behind her, like a fly stuck in the web of a spider.

Marie- Three years before

Marie had always even a good girl. She'd always followed her parent's rules and respected them like she should. She didn't question them and never strayed from her path. She never felt the new to be rebellious, having been taught from such a young age that being rebellious got you killed or put in jail.

Now though, she knew better. A little rebellion never hurt anyone and as long as she didn't join a gang she was sure she'd be fine.

Truth be told, the angel-child act was grating on her last nerves and she wanted to drop the pretence. It was boring to be good all the time.

And maybe that's what caused her to throw down her pencil in frustration and enjoy the plink as it cracked on the tile floor. She hastily shoved her math book aside. Who needed math? She didn't care if she failed her first period test.

It wasn't her idea to become a lawyer. Her parents just wanted her to follow in her footsteps. This wasn't her dream, why should she care whether she achieves their wishes or not? It wasn't like they cared about her, or were even home ever. They were so wrapped up in their stupid jobs and didn't have time for their youngest child. It was always about Jason her older brother. He was the one with the potential to become famous from his hockey playing.

So basically, she thought, who cares what I do?

A groan echoed through her house and she realized it was her stomach, starved from having been neglected since breakfast. It was already almost five o'clock now.

She padded across the cold tile to her cupboard, yanking them open one by one, finding herself unsatisfied with the contents.

Though her parents had told her to stay in the house while they were gone to her Jason's hockey game in Stratford, she was too hungry to really care.

Slipping on her wedged sandals and grabbing a house key from the front hall table, she locked the house. Starting down the street, she pulled her hair into a ponytail, the day was long and hot. A typical summer day.

Even the light breeze didn't do anything to cool her down and she walked up a slight grassy hill towards the corner store.

She eyed a man at the gas station in front filling up a motorcycle. She cocked her head and smiled slightly, he looked like someone who knew how to have a good time. Maybe he was just what she needed to blow off a little steam. She'd been warned to stay away from boys, but hey, she thought, there's a first time for everything.

She sashayed up to him and he tipped his sunglasses down his nose, giving her a once over before returning to his bike.

A flash of something, maybe anger, ran through Marie. Was she not pretty enough for him? She would change that.

Even though her neck protested against it, she ripped her hair from its ponytail and let it fall down her back. She pulled her shirt a little lower down her chest, and rolled her shorts a bit higher.

Satisfied, she stalked past him confidently, holding her head high. While she passed, she could almost feel the heat radiating off her body in waves. Her cheeks flamed, but she was unsure if it was from the uncertainty of doing something new and the nearness of this attractive man, or if it was the stifling heat.

When she entered the store, she immediately cooled down and grabbed a cold drink from the fridges at the back of the store, and a bag of chips.

She walked up to the counter and handed money to the bored, gum-popping women working the till. Her nasally voice grated on her nerves before she was distracted by the sound of the bell on the door. Sexy himself walked through and leaned against a stand of cigarettes bracing his hand on the counter in front of her.

While the nasally voiced women rang him up, he kept his eyes on Marie's face. "You know," he drawled in a heavy accent, "We were born without clothes. Let me show you a good time."

Marie raised an eyebrow as he guided her out the door and gestured to his motorcycle, "That is, if you aren't afraid. I'm new in town, why don't you show me around, doll."

Marie's voice came out as a squeak when she replied, "Okay."

She cursed internally at herself an drew herself up to her full height, which still wasn't as tall as his own. "I'm game."

"Good, hop on."


"So basically, the point of the game is to not let them hurt you. To not end up at your parents house again. You've got to make them fall in love with you and then you can break their hearts. It never hurts if you get something out of it either. It's like a love game. And if you're ever in need of a quick pick-me-up, don't be afraid to call." The man who refused to tell her his name planted a kiss on her mouth and whispered into her mouth, "Have fun."

Once she felt his lips leave hers, Marie opened her eyes only to find herself standing alone. She heard the roar of an engine, and when she turned and peered through the wide open door, saw him sling a leg over his motorcycle. "I don't even have your number!"

With a salute, he calls down the street, "I already gave it to you."

She stares after him until he's turned the street corner, out of view. She's left feeling confused and out of sorts, staring at the dust trail of his bike and looking like an idiot.

After a long while, she smiles and feels herself laugh. She was going to take his dare and see how many men she could shake and break in this thing he called a 'love game.'

She liked the sound of it and couldn't wait to meet up with him again. She was determined to beat him. She'd have to work hard and change her image so she could win. She wasn't about to give up that easily. She wouldn't let him beat her in the number count of women he'd crush.

Yes, she thought to herself, I will win this.


Yet another author's note... Sorry... Please read, kinda important!

So I've re-written this chapter because I was hating how it was sounding. Sorry if I've been completely AWOL, but I rewrote this so many times before I was satisfied with it. I'm still not really... But whatever, she doesn't sound like a prostitute now, now it's just a little game.

So what do you think of Marie and the mystery man? I love hearing your thoughts. Vote and comment pleasee!

IMPORTANT: for those who remember the 'gruff looking' man who bumped into Conrad while he was lost in thought about the name of the cafe, just keep him in mind. He'll come to play soon enough.

Live for life, because life is worth living. XxEmmy.

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