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Harry took a step back from Mary-Claire with Lia, he couldn't bare it, "I need to go" he stutters and he heads for the door but as he does Fletch and Colette walk in "oh so you haven't killed each other yet" Colette speaks up as she looks at Lia "isn't she just a babe?" Colette coos over Lia.
Harry backs up and heads for the door, "I'm sorry MC but I can't be her dad" Harry stutters "but she's your flesh and blood too" Mary-Claire calls "I'm sorry but no, I can't be here for you" Harry says selfishly.
Mary-Claire held Lia close the pain inside of her was ripping her apart, Lia meant the world to her but she needed support from Harry. Harry left the room in a hurry leaving Mary-Claire with Colette, Lia and Fletch
"He might be like this because your the second woman he's got pregnant you and Amy" Fletch says as he peers over to see Lia asleep in her arms once again.

"MC just leave him to it, he's got to learn Lia is in the world now whether he likes it or not" Colette replies making Mary-Claire wonder if Harry was worth the attention right now.

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